Hope for the Future
Title: No Video Games Addiction
As the Internet is becoming more and more widely used, video games are also getting more and more popular. However, some netizens are addicted to the video games and become tetchy as well as insomniacs. This is good for neither the players themselves nor the society. I hope that everyone can regard video gaming as a normal hobby, balance real life and the digital world well, and make more contributions to society by doing more meaningful things such as studying, working, and volunteering, instead of spending all of their time on cyber games.

Title: Make 'Garbage Mountains' Disappear
While industries have been developing rapidly in recent centuries, mountains and mountains of waste are produced. Much of the garbage is difficult to dissolve, therefore, the space required to place the rubbish is larger and larger, thus the area for human activity is decreasing, and there is no need to mention how harmful the in-dissolvable wastes such as plastic are to the environment. I hope that there can be less and less un-green garbage produced, applied to advanced technology in the future.