triggers for phone playing and i

2023-08-06  本文已影响0人  心花怒放的绿树

     It is the middle of summer holiday, yet I still have this obvious fatigue. Have I got proper rest?  I doubt it because I spent quite a lot of time on my phone. What have I been doing on the phone? TV watching, web browsing, WeChat moment checking, online window shopping. Yet, I basically bought nothing cause I have lost the desire to buy pretty dresses and I feel it is much better these dresses go to ladies who will actually wear them. Also, the I only go to one website to read posts, which do not get updated everyday, so basically, it takes less than 15 minutes to finish reading all the new posts. As for TV watching, I watch several episodes of Friends every day to get some laughter. Sometimes, I may lose track of the time and watch more than I should, and also I lose the interest and get bored. 

     This morning, I came across this article about how to quit smoking. It lists the possible triggers for smokers to smoke and the alternative behaviors. I was quite inspired and thought it might be good idea to list the triggers for my phone playing and their alternative behavior. 

Trigger 1: 

Sleeping in bed while the kids are listening to the stories on the phone. With the children's stories playing in my ear, I feel it is relaxing to spend some phone time. yet, the time is 99% spent unproductively. 

Alternative behavior:

Lie with the kids and rest. Or listen to the stories with the kids. Or play one story that I like. 

Trigger 2:

Waiting for buses, sitting in the subway, train. Or in the toilet. 

Alternative behavior:

Sit and observe the people around, or enjoy the scenery along the road. 

Trigger 3:

Feeling bored.

Alternative behavior:

Think about what makes myself truly happy and do it. 


