22Aug-带回家的三条信息How the economic m

在《How the economic machine works?》的视频最后一部分,介绍了在长期债务周期中,如何去杆杠化的一些调控手段,最主要有四点:
1. 减少支出 2. 减少债务 3. 财富再分配 4. 印钞

1. 不要让自己的债务超过自己的收入水平,因为迟早负债会把你压垮;
2. 不要让自己的收入超过自己的生产力水平,因为你迟早将变得没有竞争力;
3. 尽一切所能提高自己的生产力水平,因为这才是长期来讲最重要的事情。

Cut spending- incomes fall- credit disappears- asset prices drop- bank gets squeezed- the stock market crashes- social tensions rise;
Borrowers can no longer borrow enough money to make their debt repayments, so they are forced to sell assets;
Assets floods the market and spending fall- the value of collateral drops- make borrowers less credit worthy;
Difference with recession: borrowers debt burdens have gotten too big and can’t be relieved by lowering interest rates.
Lenders realize that debts is too large to be paid back; Borrowers lost their ability to repay and collateral price dropped; So, they both stop lending and borrowing.
Deleveraging Tools
Cut spending
Reduce debts
Redistributed wealth
Print money
Cutting Spending:
Reduce debts:
Debt restructuring: lender get paid back less/ over a longer time frame/ lower interest rates.
Budget deficit: spend more to stimulate the economy (less taxes)
Redistributed wealth:
Government raise taxes on the wealthy
Social disorder (national and international)
Print new money:
Inflationary and stimulative
Use the money to buy financial assets and government bonds(central bank lend money to government)
A beautiful deleveraging
A balance between a certain mix of cut in spending, reducing debt, transferring wealth and printing money.
Will printing money raise inflation?
No: It won't it it offsets falling credit;
Yes: When abused, it may cause high inflation;
Point: Printing money can make up for the disappearance of credit of pump up income growth to higher than the debt rate;
Three key message:
Don’t have debt rise faster than income because your debt burdens will eventually crush you.
Don’t have income rise faster than productivity because you’ll eventually become uncompetitive.
Do all that you can to raise your productivity because in the long run, that’s what matters most.