hg bulk reabse

2018-11-10  本文已影响13人  yangsunior

HG bulk rebase

  1. vim ~/.hgrc

  2. add "merge = internal:merge"

  3. "HG_brebase.sh -f ssh://hg@ tip -t ssh://hg@ tip"
    NOTE: Get code from HD_RX_MS to local FDT1356

  4. "hg head"
    NOTE: 2 heads

  5. output 5 files
    automerge.tar: include successfully merged files
    automerge.txt: include list of files successfully merged
    unresolve.tar: include files which failed in merge
    unresolveorig.tar: include local files which have confilicts
    unresolve.txt: indicate contend of files which need merge

  6. "hg resolve -l"
    U apps/private/appkgs/cfgmgr_ms/src/preconfiguration_global.xml
    NOTE: check status of unmerged files,U means need to merge

  7. "hg resolve -m apps/private/appkgs/cfgmgr_ms/src/preconfiguration_global.xml"
    "hg resolve -l"
    R apps/private/appkgs/cfgmgr_ms/src/preconfiguration_global.xml
    NOTE:R means succussfully merge, after all unmerged files change to R, execute committ

  8. hg ci -m "FR ALU02522028:[HD_R61_FDT1356]bulk rebase with RX_MS"
    NOTE: do not point to accurate path or file

  9. post-review --target-people=XXXX --bugs-closed=ALU02522028 -p
    NOTE: post-reivew will be a long time, depend on the files which need to merege

  10. "hg out | grep changeset | wc -l"
    list number of files which need to merge

  11. when post-review finish, will appear inforamtion as below
    Review request #81670 posted.

  12. "hg push" (after code is shiped)

  13. "hg out"
    Message as below:
    searching for changes
    no changes found

  14. "hg head"
    NOTE 1 head

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