
英语流利说 Level3 Unit1 Part4 -Foot I

2019-01-17  本文已影响182人  karen_ffda

Foot Injury脚受伤

What's wrong?怎么了?

I can't walk. 我不能走路。

My left foot hurts.我的左脚疼。

Is it broken?是坏了吗?

I don't know if it's broken, but it sure hurts.我不知道它是不是坏了,但肯定很疼。

What hurts? His left foot hurts.什么伤害?他的左脚疼。

There's onewaytofindout if it'sbroken.有一种方法可以查明它是否坏了。


You need to see a doctor. 你需要看医生。

The doctor can X-ray your foot.t医生可以给你的脚拍x光片

How can they find out if his foot is broken? They need to see a doctor.他们怎么能知道他的脚是否断了呢?他们需要看医生。

OK, let's go. 好的,我们走吧。

I can't walk by myself. 我一个人走不了路。

Can you help me into a taxi?你能帮我叫辆出租车吗?

Sure, I'll call a taxi. 当然,我会叫出租车的。

I'll get you to ahospitalassoonaspossible.我会尽快送你去医院。

Thanks.I sure hope it isn't broken.谢谢。我真希望它没坏。

We’ll find out soon enough.我们很快就会知道了。

Where did they want to go? They want to go to a hospital.他们想去哪里?他们想去医院。

Discussing Eating Out讨论下馆子

I don't feel like cooking tonight.我今晚不想做饭。

Let's go out.让我们出去。

Where would you like to go?你想去哪里?

I feel like eating some great Italian food.我想吃一些很棒的意大利菜。

How about AI's Italian? 人工智能的意大利餐厅怎么样?(机器人的意大利餐厅怎么样?)

It's always good. 它总是好的。(对上面智能机器人餐厅的评价:一直很好)

What does she suggest? She suggests going out to eat.她有什么建议?她建议出去吃饭。(下馆子)

We went there last week. 我们上周去了那里。

Let's try something new. 让我们尝试(见识)一些新的东西。

You have no imagination. 你没有想象力。

You always want to go to the same place.你总是想去同一个地方。

Right, I don't like unpleasant surprises. 是的,我不喜欢不愉快的意外。

I just want things to be simple. 我只是想让事情变得简单。

What does she want to do? She wants to try something new.她想做什么?她想尝试一些新的东西。

Why doesn't she want to go the Al's Italian? They went there last week.她为什么不想去机器人的意大利餐厅?他们上周去那儿了。

He doesn't  like unpleasant surprises.他不喜欢令人不快的意外。

She says he doesn't have any imagination.她说他没有任何想象力。

OK, let's compromise.好的,让我们妥协。

What does that mean? 这是什么意思?

What do you mean by compromise?你说的妥协是什么意思?

Let's go 50-50. 我们折中(一半一半)

This time we'll go someplace new and next time we can go to one of your favorites.这次我们去个新地方,下次我们可以去你最喜欢的地方。

OK, I'll compromise and meet you halfway.好吧,我让步(妥协),让一半吧。

Good, I'll look for something new and make reservations.太好了,我要找些新东西来预订。

What does she suggest?She suggests that they compromise .她有什么建议?她建议他们妥协。

Great, let's not go too late.太好了,我们别走得太晚。

I'll make reservations for 8:00. 我要预订8点。

Is that OK? 这样可以吗?

Yes, perfect.是的,完美。

She suggests that they go someplace new this time.她建议他们这次去个新地方。


