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Stir fried kidney bean (干煸芸豆)

1】Main ingredient(主料):
kidney bean (芸豆)

2】Charge mixture(配料):
150g pork slices(猪肉片)、20g Sichuan pepper(花椒)、30g dry red pepper(干辣椒节)

ginger(姜片)、sult(盐)、sugar(糖)、oginomoto(味精)、chicken essence (鸡精)、cooking wine(料酒)、soy sauce(生抽)、sesame oil (香油)
4】Cooking process(烹饪流程):
✔Wash kidney beans, cut into 4-5cm segments, then add in boiling water. (将芸豆掐头去尾,洗净后,切成4-5cm的段,加入沸水中汆水。)
✔Heat the oil to 5 of the oil temperature, add kidney beans, fry the dry flavor, and drain the oil. (将油加热至5成油温,加入芸豆,炸制干香,捞出沥油。)
✔Fry the minced meat , add the cooking wine and soy sauce, stir fry until fragrant. Add Sichuan pepper, ginger slices, dry red pepper, kidney beans and stir fry evenly. (将肉末炒散出油,加入料酒和生抽,炒至干香,再加入花椒,姜片,干辣椒,芸豆翻炒均匀。)
✔Add chicken essence, sugar, stir fry and add sesame oil .(再加入鸡精,白糖,大火翻炒,最后加入香油盛出。)