
2018-06-04  本文已影响0人  overad




  1. 向网站用户提供多样化的服务或投放定向广告;
  2. 为了向用户推荐电影或者商品,儿卖给他们一些与之相关的小玩意;
  3. 根据基因寻找亲缘关系的人




In [2]: import numpy as np

In [3]: path = 'D:\\books\\affinity_dataset.txt'

In [4]: data = np.loadtxt(path)

In [5]: n_samples,n_features = data.shape

In [6]: n_samples
Out[6]: 100

In [7]: n_features
Out[7]: 5

In [8]: print("This dataset has {0} samples and {1} features".format(n_samples, n_features))
This dataset has 100 samples and 5 features

In [11]: print(data[:5])
[[0. 0. 1. 1. 1.]
 [1. 1. 0. 1. 0.]
 [1. 0. 1. 1. 0.]
 [0. 0. 1. 1. 1.]
 [0. 1. 0. 0. 1.]]






In [12]: fearures = ['beard','milk','cheese','apple','bananas']

In [13]: num_apple_purchases = 0

#First ,how many rows contain our premise:that a person is buying apples
In [14]: for sample in data:
    ...:     if sample[3] == 1: #this person bought apples
    ...:         num_apple_purchases += 1

In [15]: print("{0} people bought Apples".format(num_apple_purchases))
36 people bought Apples



In [16]: rule_valid = 0

In [17]: rule_invalid = 0

In [19]: for sample in data:
    ...:     if sample[3] == 1:   #this person bought apples
    ...:         if sample[4] == 1:  #this person bought both apples and bananas
    ...:             rule_valid += 1
    ...:         else:
    ...:             rule_invalid += 1

In [20]: print("{0} cases of the rule being valid were discovered".format(rule_valid))
21 cases of the rule being valid were discovered

In [21]: print("{0} cases of the rule being invalid were discovered".format(rule_invalid))
15 cases of the rule being invalid were discovered


# Now we have all the information needed to compute Support and Confidence
In [22]: support = rule_valid  # The Support is the number of times the rule is discovered.

In [23]: confidence = rule_valid / num_apple_purchases

In [24]: print("The support is {0} and the confidence is {1:.3f}.".format(support, confidence))
The support is 21 and the confidence is 0.583.
# Confidence can be thought of as a percentage using the following:
In [25]: print("As a percentage, that is {0:.1f}%.".format(100 * confidence))
As a percentage, that is 58.3%.


from collections import defaultdict
# Now compute for all possible rules
valid_rules = defaultdict(int)
invalid_rules = defaultdict(int)
num_occurences = defaultdict(int)

for sample in X:
    for premise in range(n_features):
        if sample[premise] == 0: continue
        # Record that the premise was bought in another transaction
        num_occurences[premise] += 1
        for conclusion in range(n_features):
            if premise == conclusion:  # It makes little sense to measure if X -> X.
            if sample[conclusion] == 1:
                # This person also bought the conclusion item
                valid_rules[(premise, conclusion)] += 1
                # This person bought the premise, but not the conclusion
                invalid_rules[(premise, conclusion)] += 1
support = valid_rules
confidence = defaultdict(float)
for premise, conclusion in valid_rules.keys():
    confidence[(premise, conclusion)] = valid_rules[(premise, conclusion)] / num_occurences[premise]

for premise, conclusion in confidence:
    premise_name = features[premise]
    conclusion_name = features[conclusion]
    print("Rule: If a person buys {0} they will also buy {1}".format(premise_name, conclusion_name))
    print(" - Confidence: {0:.3f}".format(confidence[(premise, conclusion)]))
    print(" - Support: {0}".format(support[(premise, conclusion)]))

Rule: If a person buys bread they will also buy milk
 - Confidence: 0.519
 - Support: 14

Rule: If a person buys milk they will also buy cheese
 - Confidence: 0.152
 - Support: 7

Rule: If a person buys apples they will also buy cheese
 - Confidence: 0.694
 - Support: 25

Rule: If a person buys milk they will also buy apples
 - Confidence: 0.196
 - Support: 9

Rule: If a person buys bread they will also buy apples
 - Confidence: 0.185
 - Support: 5

Rule: If a person buys apples they will also buy bread
 - Confidence: 0.139
 - Support: 5

Rule: If a person buys apples they will also buy bananas
 - Confidence: 0.583
 - Support: 21

Rule: If a person buys apples they will also buy milk
 - Confidence: 0.250
 - Support: 9

Rule: If a person buys milk they will also buy bananas
 - Confidence: 0.413
 - Support: 19

Rule: If a person buys cheese they will also buy bananas
 - Confidence: 0.659
 - Support: 27

Rule: If a person buys cheese they will also buy bread
 - Confidence: 0.098
 - Support: 4

Rule: If a person buys cheese they will also buy apples
 - Confidence: 0.610
 - Support: 25

Rule: If a person buys cheese they will also buy milk
 - Confidence: 0.171
 - Support: 7

Rule: If a person buys bananas they will also buy apples
 - Confidence: 0.356
 - Support: 21

Rule: If a person buys bread they will also buy bananas
 - Confidence: 0.630
 - Support: 17

Rule: If a person buys bananas they will also buy cheese
 - Confidence: 0.458
 - Support: 27

Rule: If a person buys milk they will also buy bread
 - Confidence: 0.304
 - Support: 14

Rule: If a person buys bananas they will also buy milk
 - Confidence: 0.322
 - Support: 19

Rule: If a person buys bread they will also buy cheese
 - Confidence: 0.148
 - Support: 4

Rule: If a person buys bananas they will also buy bread
 - Confidence: 0.288
 - Support: 17

def print_rule(premise, conclusion, support, confidence, features):
    premise_name = features[premise]
    conclusion_name = features[conclusion]
    print("Rule: If a person buys {0} they will also buy {1}".format(premise_name, conclusion_name))
    print(" - Confidence: {0:.3f}".format(confidence[(premise, conclusion)]))
    print(" - Support: {0}".format(support[(premise, conclusion)]))

premise = 1
conclusion = 3
print_rule(premise, conclusion, support, confidence, features)
Rule: If a person buys milk they will also buy apples
 - Confidence: 0.196
 - Support: 9
# Sort by support
from pprint import pprint
[((0, 1), 14),
 ((1, 2), 7),
 ((3, 2), 25),
 ((1, 3), 9),
 ((0, 2), 4),
 ((3, 0), 5),
 ((4, 1), 19),
 ((3, 1), 9),
 ((1, 4), 19),
 ((2, 4), 27),
 ((2, 0), 4),
 ((2, 3), 25),
 ((2, 1), 7),
 ((4, 3), 21),
 ((0, 4), 17),
 ((4, 2), 27),
 ((1, 0), 14),
 ((3, 4), 21),
 ((0, 3), 5),
 ((4, 0), 17)]


from operator import itemgetter
sorted_support = sorted(support.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
for index in range(5):
    print("Rule #{0}".format(index + 1))
    (premise, conclusion) = sorted_support[index][0]
    print_rule(premise, conclusion, support, confidence, features)

Rule #1
Rule: If a person buys cheese they will also buy bananas
 - Confidence: 0.659
 - Support: 27

Rule #2
Rule: If a person buys bananas they will also buy cheese
 - Confidence: 0.458
 - Support: 27

Rule #3
Rule: If a person buys apples they will also buy cheese
 - Confidence: 0.694
 - Support: 25

Rule #4
Rule: If a person buys cheese they will also buy apples
 - Confidence: 0.610
 - Support: 25

Rule #5
Rule: If a person buys bananas they will also buy apples
 - Confidence: 0.356
 - Support: 21

