In the Dream my Mother Smiles to
When I think of you
In that night, the moon smiles to me
Oh,my mother
How are you in heaven?
I miss you so much
I look back on my life
Dreams give me an imagination
They open my mind, let my fantasies unwind
Some are true, some are never coming true
Also, the fancy dreams make me smile
In my dream, you talk to me
But when I wake up, you are gone
The last time I saw her was in the hospital
I ran back to my hometown
She was seriously ill
Unfortunately, her cancer was out control
I cried, my mother smiled at me and said,
“Don’t worry about me, I will be fine.”
My mother knew death was coming soon
She tried to make me comfortable and understand
I was only in my hometown a week,
Then I flew back to my work place
Before leaving, I told my mom ,
I will definitely come back to see you in the summer.
She said: “I will be here waiting for you”
We live far apart from each other
The only thing we could do was bless each other in our hearts.
When she was in the hospital
I called her every week
Every time she always so happy
I told her how sorry I was that could not spend time with her
Even when she was very sick in the hospital
I did not have time to go back to my hometown to take care of my mother
I call her again and again
One day I called her, she answered the phone slowly
From her voice, I feel she’s so tired, then I tell her
Mom you need rest, I will call you tomorrow
The next day I called her
No one answered the phone
Then I called her again; my dad answered the phone
“Your mother gave me the phone, she’s tired.”
Summer time is here
I come home to see my mom and dad
But only my dad is waiting for me
My mom had passed away a month ago
Right now, think of when I was young
Mother’s tasty food and holiday’s beautiful dress she made for me
That’s the happy moment in my life I want to remember
A little girl always follows her mother around from place to place
She will always be in my heart forever