关于Xcode 10.1在ios9系统随机奔溃的问题

2018-10-31  本文已影响0人  取个名字怎么那么难啊

xcode 10 打包上传到Appstore的版本在ios 9系统奔溃严重,看了下开发者官网苹果自己也承认是是Xcode 10的bug

The 40mm and 44mm wells for complications specify the correct icon sizes. (43069075, 43401397)

Resolves an issue that affected app compatibility with iOS 9.0, 9.1 and 9.2. Apps containing asset catalogs built with Xcode 10 whose deployment target was set to iOS 9.0, 9.1 or 9.2 would produce content incompatible with the runtimes of those iOS versions. Rebuilding the application with Xcode 10.1 resolves this issue. (44535967)

这是苹果Xcode 10.1的更新文案,主要原因是项目使用了asset管理资源文件,但在Xcode10.1 bate版已经修复了。

好吧,那就等Xcode 10.1 release版更新,今天中午更新release,换了之后在ios9系统还是随机crash,真尼玛坑爹啊啊啊啊啊啊啊。

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