Best of 2018: Top 5 Databricks b
2019-01-28 本文已影响0人
2019-01-27 夜深了,,,喧闹的一天结束了,让我们继续回顾一下我们2018年。看看点击最多的五个Databricks blog。最热门的是我们Matei大神的最新作品MLflow!然后是我们Michael大神的最新作品Delta!老三是我们最新的release Spark 2.4!
1) Introducing MLflow: an Open Source Machine Learning Platform
2) Processing Petabytes of Data in Seconds with Databricks Delta
3) Introducing Apache Spark 2.4: A Detailed Overview of New Features
4) Building a Real-Time Attribution Pipeline with Databricks
5) Benchmarking Apache Spark on a Single Node Machine