@property(nonatomic) UIEdgeInsets separatorInset;
Specifies the default inset of cell separators.
In iOS 7 and later, cell separators do not extend all the way to the edge of the table view. This property sets the default inset for all cells in the table, much as rowHeight sets the default height for cells. It is also used for managing the “extra” separators drawn at the bottom of plain style tables.
For example, to specify a table view where the default left separator inset is 3 points and the default right separator inset is 11, you would write:
Listing 1
tableView.separatorInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 3, 0, 11);
If every cell in a table contains an image view of the same size, by default iOS vertically aligns the leading edge of all separators. In a table that mixes text-only cells with cells that contain image views, you can use the separatorInset property to ensure that the separators are vertically aligned.
In a right-to-left user interface, an inset that you set using the separatorInset property automatically flips its left and right measurements.
Availability iOS (7.0 and later), tvOS (7.0 and later)
这个属性为所有在table上的cell设置默认的嵌入,就像rowHeigth设置cell的默认高度一样。它还作用于画在plain style 的table底部的“格外“的分割符。
3.例如:指定table view默认左侧分割符插入3点,右侧默认插入11点,可以这样写:
列举 1
tableView.separatorInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 3, 0, 11);
4.如果table上的每一个cell都包含同样大小的image view,则默认情况下,iOS会垂直对齐所有分割符的前缘。在将纯文本的cell和包含image views的cell混合在一起的table中,可以使用separatorInset属性来确保分割符垂直对齐。
@property(nonatomic) UIEdgeInsets layoutMargins;
The default spacing to use when laying out content in the view.
Use this property to specify the desired amount of space (measured in points) between the edge of the view and any subviews. Auto layout uses your margins as a cue for placing content. For example, if you specify a set of horizontal constraints using the format string “|-[subview]-|”, the left and right edges of the subview are inset from the edge of the superview by the corresponding layout margins. When the edge of your view is close to the edge of the superview and the preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins property is YES, the actual layout margins may be increased to prevent content from overlapping the superview’s margins.
The default margins are eight points on each side.
If the view is a view controller’s root view, the system sets and manages the margins. The top and bottom margins are set to zero points. The side margins vary depending on the current size class, but can be either 16 or 20 points. You cannot change these margins.
Availability iOS (8.0 and later), tvOS (8.0 and later)