今日歌曲GQ - Lola Coca
Lola Coca来自英国的朴茨茅斯,是一位小众的嘻哈和地下室音乐歌手。她的声音非常有特色,声线平稳均匀,气息流畅娴熟,而且听起来有一种不羁和超然的态度。
这首作品《GQ》可以说是一首稳稳献给渣男的歌哈~歌曲非常狂放不羁,处处流露出对渣男的讽刺和反击。歌名《GQ》中"GQ"其实是著名杂志,全称"Gentlemen'S Quarterly"的缩写,由美国康泰纳仕出版,聚焦于男性独特穿衣打扮,至今已风靡英美数十年。如今"GQ"这个词,已成为日常生活中的语汇了,代表穿着考究,有品位的一类男人。
You're a man without a backbone
I see you're looking for a window
You really think you're something special
And think you're hot but acting so cold
That rock 'n rock don't really move my soul
You're a budget Elvis Costello
Baby you deserve a medal
For being number one asshole
Stop wasting my time
Even on the cover of GQ
I am never going home with you
A leather jacket don't impress me
I'm not a fool
I'm kinda different to the girl-next-door
I'm looking for something more
You're barking up the wrong tree
Girl please rescue me
You're the legend of your lunch hour
Over me you bear no power
You'll never get a smidge from me
Acting like a chief on me
I bet you'd like to see me on my knees
This ain't reality MTV
Another reject from the city
I only listen out of pity
Stop wasting my time
Even on the cover of GQ
I am never going home with you
A leather jacket don't impress me
I'm not a fool
I'm kinda different to the girl-next-door
I'm looking for something more
You're barking up the wrong tree
Girl please rescue me
Stop wasting my time
Even on the cover of GQ
I am never going home with you
A leather jacket don't impress me
I'm not a fool
I'm kinda different to the girl-next-door
I'm looking for something more
You're barking off the wrong tree
Girl please rescue me