Android compose 自定义layout (翻译)

2021-09-13  本文已影响0人  码农小龙

Create your custom layout


Compose promotes reusability of composables as small chunks that can be enough for some custom layouts by combining built-in composables such as Column, Row, or Box.

However, you might need to build something unique to your app that requires measuring and laying out children manually. For that, you can use the Layout composable. In fact all higher level layouts like Column and Row are built with this.

Note: In the View system, creating a custom layout required extending ViewGroup and implementing measure and layout functions. In Compose you simply write a function using the Layout composable.

通常来说,通过诸如Column, Row, 或 Box 之类的内置compose来自定义某些布局来说已经足够了。
但是,您可能需要构建一些独特的应用程序,需要手动测量和布置子项。为此,您可以使用 Layout。事实上,所有更高级别的布局都喜欢用ColumnRow来构建。

Note:在视图系统中,创建自定义布局需要扩展ViewGroup和实现measure和layout函数。在 Compose 中,您只需使用Layout composable函数。

Before diving into how to create custom layouts, we need to know more about the principles of Layouts in Compose.

在深入研究如何创建自定义布局之前,我们需要更多地了解 Compose 中布局的原理。

Principles of layouts in Compose

Some composable functions emit a piece of UI when invoked that is added to a UI tree that will get rendered on the screen. Each emission (or element) has one parent and potentially many children. Also, it has a location within its parent: an (x, y) position, and a size: a width and height.

Compose 中的布局原则

一些可组合函数在调用时会发出一段 UI,被添加到UI树中,呈现在屏幕上。每个发射物(或元素)都有一个父级和潜在的许多子级。此外,它在其父级中有位置-> (x, y) 坐标,和大小->width、height。

Elements are asked to measure themselves with Constraints that should be satisfied. Constraints restrict the minimum and maximum width and height of an element. If an element has child elements it may measure each of them to help determine its own size. Once an element reports its own size, it has an opportunity to place its child elements relative to itself. This will be further explained when creating the custom layout.


Compose UI does not permit multi-pass measurement. This means that a layout element may not measure any of its children more than once in order to try different measurement configurations. Single-pass measurement is good for performance, allowing Compose to handle efficiently deep UI trees. If a layout element measured its child twice and that child measured one of its children twice and so on, a single attempt to lay out a whole UI would have to do a lot of work, making it hard to keep your app performing well. However, there are times when you really need additional information on top of what a single child measurement would tell you - for these cases there are ways of doing this, we will talk about them later.

Compose UI 不允许多次测量。这意味着布局元素可能不会多次测量其任何子元素,以便尝试不同的测量架构。单遍测量有利于提高性能,使 Compose 能够有效地处理深层 UI 树。如果一个布局元素测量了它的子元素两次,而该子元素测量了它的一个子元素两次,依此类推,一次尝试布置整个 UI 将不得不做很多工作,这使得你的应用程序很难保持良好的性能。但是,有时您确实需要除了单个子项测量结果之外的其他信息 - 对于这些情况,有一些方法可以做到这一点,我们将在稍后讨论。

Using the layout modifier

Use the layout modifier to manually control how to measure and position an element. Usually, the common structure of a custom layout modifier is as follows:



fun Modifier.customLayoutModifier(...) = Modifier.layout { measurable, constraints ->

When using the layout modifier, you get two lambda parameters:

measurable: child to be measured and placed
constraints: minimum and maximum for the width and height of the child
Let's say you want to display a Text on the screen and control the distance from the top to the baseline of the first line of texts. In order to do that, you'd need to manually place the composable on the screen using the layout modifier. See the desired behavior in the next picture where the distance from top to first baseline is 24.dp:

使用layout修饰符时,您将获得两个 lambda 参数:

constraints: 孩子的宽度和高度的最小值和最大值
假设您想在屏幕上显示 一个文本并控制从第一行文本的顶部到基线的距离。为了做到这一点,您需要使用layout修饰符手动将可组合项放置在屏幕上。在下一张图片中查看所需的行为,其中从顶部到第一个基线的距离为24.dp:

Let's create a firstBaselineToTop modifier first:

fun Modifier.firstBaselineToTop(
  firstBaselineToTop: Dp
) = this.then(
    layout { measurable, constraints ->

The first thing to do is measure the composable. As we mentioned in the Principles of Layout in Compose section, you can only measure your children once.

Measure the composable by calling measurable.measure(constraints). When calling measure(constraints), you can pass in the given constraints of the composable available in the constraints lambda parameter or create your own. The result of a measure() call on a Measurable is a Placeable that can be positioned by calling placeRelative(x, y), as we will do later.

For this use case, don't constrain measurement further, just use the given constraints:

首先要做的是衡量可组合。正如我们在 Compose 中的布局原则部分提到的,您只能测量您的孩子一次。

通过调用测量可组合measurable.measure(constraints)。调用measure(constraints)时,您可以传入constraints lambda 参数中constraints,也可以自己创建。Measurable 调用measure()的结果是Placeable可以通过调用placeRelative(x, y)来定位,我们稍后会这样做。


fun Modifier.firstBaselineToTop(
    firstBaselineToTop: Dp
) = this.then(
    layout { measurable, constraints ->
        val placeable = measurable.measure(constraints)


Now that the composable has been measured, you need to calculate its size and specify it by calling the layout(width, height) method which also accepts a lambda used for placing the content.

In this case, the width of our composable will be the width of the measured composable and the height will be the composable's height with the desired top-to-baseline height minus the first baseline:

既然已经测量了可组合项,您需要计算它的大小并通过调用layout(width, height)函数或者 lambda表达式来实现它。

在这种情况下,我们的可组合物的宽度width将是测量结果的宽度,高度height期望值是top-to-baseline 的高度减去first baseline:

fun Modifier.firstBaselineToTop(
    firstBaselineToTop: Dp
) = this.then(
    layout { measurable, constraints ->
        val placeable = measurable.measure(constraints)

        // Check the composable has a first baseline
        check(placeable[FirstBaseline] != AlignmentLine.Unspecified)
        val firstBaseline = placeable[FirstBaseline]

        // Height of the composable with padding - first baseline
        val placeableY = firstBaselineToTop.roundToPx() - firstBaseline
        val height = placeable.height + placeableY
        layout(placeable.width, height) {

Now, you can position the composable on the screen by calling placeable.placeRelative(x, y). If you don't call placeRelative, the composable won't be visible. placeRelative automatically adjusts the position of the placeable based on the current layoutDirection.

Warning: When creating a custom Layout or LayoutModifier, Android Studio will give a warning until the layout function is called.

In this case, the y position of the text corresponds to the top padding minus the position of the first baseline:

现在,您可以通过调用placeable.placeRelative(x, y). 如果您不调用placeRelative,则可组合项将不可见。placeRelative根据当前 自动调整可放置物的位置layoutDirection。

警告:创建自定义Layoutor 时LayoutModifier,Android Studio 会发出警告,直到layout调用该函数。


fun Modifier.firstBaselineToTop(
    firstBaselineToTop: Dp
) = this.then(
    layout { measurable, constraints ->

        // Height of the composable with padding - first baseline
        val placeableY = firstBaselineToTop.roundToPx() - firstBaseline
        val height = placeable.height + placeableY
        layout(placeable.width, height) {
            // Where the composable gets placed
            placeable.placeRelative(0, placeableY)

To verify this works as expected, you can use this modifier on a Text as you saw in the picture above:

要验证这是否按预期工作,您可以在 文本上使用此修饰符如上图所示:

fun TextWithPaddingToBaselinePreview() {
  LayoutsCodelabTheme {
    Text("Hi there!", Modifier.firstBaselineToTop(32.dp))

fun TextWithNormalPaddingPreview() {
  LayoutsCodelabTheme {
    Text("Hi there!", Modifier.padding(top = 32.dp))

With preview:

Using the Layout composable

Instead of controlling how a single composable gets measured and laid out on the screen, you might have the same necessity for a group of composables. For that, you can use the Layout composable to manually control how to measure and position the layout's children. Usually, the common structure of a composable that uses Layout is as follows:


与控制单个可组合项如何在屏幕上测量和布局不同,您可能对一组可组合项具有相同的必要性。为此,您可以使用 Layout可组合来手动控制如何测量和定位布局的子项。通常,使用的可组合的常见结构Layout如下:

fun CustomLayout(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    // custom layout attributes 
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        content = content
    ) { measurables, constraints ->
        // measure and position children given constraints logic here

The minimum required parameters for a CustomLayout are a modifier and content; these parameters are then passed to Layout. In the trailing lambda of Layout (of type MeasurePolicy), you get the same lambda parameters as you get with the layout modifier.

To show Layout in action, let's start implementing a very basic Column using Layout to understand the API. Later, we'll build something more complex to showcase flexibility of the Layout composable.

CustomLayout 所需的最小参数是 modifier和content; 然后将这些参数传递给Layout. 在Layout(类型MeasurePolicy)的 lambda 尾部,layout 的
modifier 与lambda表达式中的参数相同。

为了展示Layout实际效果,让我们来用Layout来实现一个非常基本的Column来理解 API。稍后,我们将构建一些更复杂的东西来展示Layout composable 的灵活性。

Implementing a basic Column

Our custom implementation of Column lays out items vertically. Also, for simplicity, our layout occupies as much space as it can in its parent.

Create a new composable called MyOwnColumn and add the common structure of a Layout composable:


我们的自定义实现Column 垂直布局项目。此外,为简单起见,我们的布局在其父级中占据尽可能多的空间。


fun MyOwnColumn(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        content = content
    ) { measurables, constraints ->
        // measure and position children given constraints logic here

As before, the first thing to do is measure our children that can only be measured once. Similarly to how the layout modifier works, in the measurables lambda parameter, you get all the content that you can measure by calling measurable.measure(constraints).

For this use case, you won't constrain our child views further. When measuring the children, you should also keep track of the width and the maximum height of each row to be able to place them correctly on the screen later:

和以前一样,首先要做的是测量我们只能测量一次的孩子。与布局修饰符的工作方式类似,在lambda 函数中的measurables中,您可以通过调用measurable.measure(constraints)获取所有的可测量的content


fun MyOwnColumn(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        content = content
    ) { measurables, constraints ->

        // Don't constrain child views further, measure them with given constraints
        // List of measured children
        val placeables = { measurable ->
            // Measure each child

Now that you have the list of measured children in our logic, before positioning them on the screen, you need to calculate the size of our version of Column. As you're making it as big as its parent, the size of it is the constraints passed in by the parent. Specify the size of our own Column by calling the layout(width, height) method, which also gives you the lambda used for placing the children:

现在您在我们的逻辑中已经有了可测量子项的列表,在将它们定位到屏幕上之前,您需要计算我们版本的Column. 当你让它和它的父级一样大时,它的大小就是父级传入的约束。Column通过调用layout(width, height)方法指定我们自己的大小,该方法还为您提供用于放置子项的 lambda:

fun MyOwnColumn(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        content = content
    ) { measurables, constraints ->
        // Measure children - code in the previous code snippet

        // Set the size of the layout as big as it can
        layout(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.maxHeight) {
            // Place children

Lastly, we position our children on the screen by calling placeable.placeRelative(x, y). In order to place the children vertically, we keep track of the y coordinate we have placed children up to. The final code of MyOwnColumn looks like this:

最后,我们通过调用将我们的孩子定位在屏幕上placeable.placeRelative(x, y)。为了垂直放置子项,我们跟踪y放置子项的坐标。最终代码MyOwnColumn如下所示:

fun MyOwnColumn(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        content = content
    ) { measurables, constraints ->
        // Don't constrain child views further, measure them with given constraints
        // List of measured children
        val placeables = { measurable ->
            // Measure each child

        // Track the y co-ord we have placed children up to
        var yPosition = 0

        // Set the size of the layout as big as it can
        layout(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.maxHeight) {
            // Place children in the parent layout
            placeables.forEach { placeable ->
                // Position item on the screen
                placeable.placeRelative(x = 0, y = yPosition)

                // Record the y co-ord placed up to
                yPosition += placeable.height

MyOwnColumn in action

Let's see MyOwnColumn on the screen by using it in the BodyContent composable. Replace the content inside BodyContent with the following:

MyOwnColumn 的行为
让我们在BodyContent中使用MyOwnColumn来看它在屏幕上如何显示。将 BodyContent 中的内容替换为以下内容:

fun BodyContent(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
    MyOwnColumn(modifier.padding(8.dp)) {
        Text("places items")
        Text("We've done it by hand!")

With preview:


