
周末早餐复习 3

2023-04-08  本文已影响0人  知然ran

周末复习来啦~   简单总结一下短语:

冒险:take riskes

经验无可替代:Nothing can substitute experience.

去和他说说话:go and talk to him

冒昧:If i may be so bold

提些批评:offer some criticisms

产出内在最好的东西:give birth to best which is within us.

婚姻是终身大事:marriage is for life

鸡同鸭讲:argue at cross-purposes

生活中最伟大的事:one of the greatest things you have in life

没有人有权利告诉你你想成为什么样的人:no one has the authority to tell you what you want to be.

有可靠消息称:I have it on good authority that...

他最近压力很大:He has been under a lot of stress

找遍全宇宙:search the furthest reaches of the universe.

全天下,他比任何东西都重要:it means more to me than anything else in the universe.

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