1 导师一般有多个研究方向,只需选择一个方向突破,通过看导师最新的论文,以定位到他最新的研究方向。
2 注意,在看导师论文之前,需要先对这个领域有一个整体了解
3 接下来正式开始看导师的论文:
5阅读论文时候,需要做好笔记。建议采用review form的方式。
Review form是reviewer评审论文时候用的表格,使用它有助于抓住重点,发现问题。
你可以对导师的论文都采用review form来阅读、记录。在套瓷的时候,如果将这些form发给导师看,将是研究能力的一个重要体现(review form看上去够专业!)。
6 review form
(1) Title and author of paper
(2) Summary of paper
This needs to be only 1-3 sentences, but it demonstrates that you understand the paper and, moreover, can summarize it more concisely than the author in his abstract.
(3) Good things about the paper (one paragraph)
This is not always necessary, especially when the review is generally favorable. However, it is strongly recommended if the review is critical. Such introductions are good psychology if you want the author to drastically revise the paper.
(4) Major comments
Discuss the author’s assumptions, technical approach, analysis, results, conclusions, reference, etc. Be constructive, if possible, by suggesting improvements.
(5) Minor comments
This section contains comments on style, figures, grammar, etc. If any of these are especially poor and detract from the overall presentation, then they might escalate to the ‘major comments’ section. It is acceptable to write these comments in list (or bullet) form.
(6) Incomprehension
List what you don’t understand.
论文的conclusion中一般会提及future work,这对我们提出research proposal是一大启发。如果你的研究经验很少,在提出proposal的时候,最好请相关领域的研究生帮忙看一下。因为有时候你认为很有创意的 idea,在研究人员看来可能没有多大意义。