2021-02-06 The Art of Letting Go

2021-02-06  本文已影响0人  春生阁

How many of us feel trapped in situations we don’t want to be in for no other reason than the fact that we’ve been in them for a long time? We get stuck in relationships, careers, lifestyles, entire ways of being.

Even if, deep down, you desperately want change in your life, there’s a massive weight that holds you down — a sense of familiarity and comfort, even if that familiarity and comfort are painful.

When you’re in a situation you don’t want to be in, at least you know what to expect, but letting go of that situation puts you in a place of total uncertainty. So what do you do about it?

There’s no perfect answer here. Most of the situations that really weigh on your mind are so personal that I can tell you exactly what to do. But, I can share what I’ve done and provide observations that tend to be true over time.

In my experience, that feeling that tells you it’s time to let go so you can move on to a better future is almost always the right feeling.

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