亚马逊面试 Behavior Question 的一些Tips

2018-04-24  本文已影响4649人  专职跑龙套

Our Leadership Principles 领导力准则



How to Interview at Amazon Using the Amazon Leadership Principles

1. Take them seriously 认真对待

2. Read them carefully 仔细阅读

Some of these are not easy to understand ("Are right, a lot" is one that confuses people).
有一些原则不是很容易理解,例如 "Are right, a lot 决策正确"

3. Memorize them 记住他们(14条领导力准则)

A popular interview question: 一个典型的面试题:
"Which Amazon leadership principle do you resonate most with?" 哪一条领导力准则你最有共鸣?

4. Understand how interviews are evaluated 弄清楚面试者是如何被评价的

You must incorporate the principles into your responses because your responses are evaluated and you are rated based on how well you performed according to the leadership principles.

In other words, you don't just show you have a bias for action by stating that outright when directly asked, you show it by answering all the questions, even the ones about customer obsession or ownership, with answers that highlight your quick responses (among other things).
例如,你可能会被直接问到 “bias for action” 的问题。同时,你在回答其他问题时,例如 “customer obsession” 或者 “ownership”,也可以展现你的 “bias for action”。

For instance, if you get asked, "How did you solve a recent business problem?" and you talk about how you researched the problem for six months and brought in a team of consultants to do more research, this is not demonstrating a bias for action. This is showing you move slowly and think about things for a long time before you act.
例如,你被问到 “你是如何解决最近碰到的业务问题的?”如果你回答说你花了6个月的时间来研究,又找了一个咨询团队来帮助你。这个回答不能证明你的 “bias for action”,反倒说明你行动比较慢。同时也说明了你在 “ownership”,“dive deep” 和 deliver results” 等方面的不足。

5. Plan your answers using STAR 使用STAR方法论

These are the 4 steps of the technique:

Which questions can you answer using STAR? Ones that sound like this, "Tell me about a time when..." So the question might be, "Tell me about a time when you showed customer obsession" or "Give me an example of how you've showed customer obsession." 例如,“你什么时候/什么例子体现过客户至上的准则?”

Use "I" in your answers. Don't talk about what your team did. 重点说你自己个人的事情,不要说团队做的事情。

6. Should you use their words in the answers? 是否要使用原话?

If you get asked, "Tell me about a time you showed customer obsession" should your answer use the exact words "customer obsession"? Not necessarily.
You can say you "value customers" or "pay attention to customers" or "are customer oriented." Or if you want to use their words you can say you are "obsessed" with customers.

7. Keep your answers short and clear 回答简洁明了

Answers should be between 1 and 2 minutes long. 2 is on the long side and may be too long unless you are giving an example that requires a lot of detail. 回答控制到1到2分钟。

8. Prepare two stories for each principle 为每一条原则准备两个故事

They may ask you one question about a principle and then ask if you have another example. If you've only prepared one example that shows how you're customer obsessed, you'll be in trouble.

9. Don't worry about your English too much 不用太焦虑英语

Your English doesn't have to be perfect to succeed at an Amazon interview.

如何准备 Behavior Question

How to answer behavioral interview questions at your Amazon job interview

A good sample answer for a common behavioral question 一个回答的实例

Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it.

S - Last year at my quarterly review my boss explained to me that I needed to improve my public speaking skills, since I'm in marketing and give presentations to my colleagues and clients frequently. He said that I speak too softly and too quickly and don't explain my ideas clearly.

T/A - I didn't know how to get better at this, so I hired an executive coach. I worked with her for a month, and then joined a group of her former clients who meet once a week to give speeches in front of each other. With her help and all of their comments and support, I learned to see what my weaknesses were.

R - After working on my skills for several months, I could see that my presentations were better. At my next review, my boss agreed. Now I am continuing to meet with the group so that my skills keep improving. I want to be even better than I am now so that I give excellent presentations.

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