
2020-06-09  本文已影响0人  斜月86

1 vb脚本导出cdm结构

Option Explicit 
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch 
Dim mdl ' the current model 
Set mdl = ActiveModel
Dim fso
Dim file
set fso =createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
' 导出cdm结构存放地址
set file = fso.CreateTextFile("d:/cdm_construct_data_new.txt",true)
Dim cld
' 循环所有的包
for each cld in mdl.Packages
   ProcessFolder cld, file
ProcessFolder mdl, file

' 定义函数导出cdm结构
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder, file) 
Dim  item   '要处理的对象
for each item in folder.Entities 
   if not item.isShortcut then  
      Dim col ' 定义 column 
      for each col in item.Attributes 
          ' 实体名 \t 实体名称 \t 实体注释 \t 字段名\t 字段名称 \t字段注释 \t 字段类型 \t 是否必填 \t  是否主键 \t 默认值 \n
          file.write(UCase(item.code) +Chr(9) + UCase(item.name) + Chr(9) + UCase(item.comment) + Chr(9)+ UCase(col.code) + Chr(9) + UCase(col.name) + Chr(9)+ UCase(col.comment) + Chr(9)+ CStr(col.datatype) + Chr(9)+ CStr(col.mandatory) + Chr(9) + Cstr(col.primaryIdentifier) +  Chr(9) + Cstr(col.defaultValue)+ Chr(13))
   end if 
' last finish 
end sub

2 vb脚本修改实体名称注释

Option Explicit 
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch 
Dim mdl ' the current model 
Set mdl = ActiveModel
Dim cld
for each cld in mdl.Packages
   ProcessFolder cld 
ProcessFolder mdl
' 修改函数
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder) 

Dim  item   '要处理的对象
MsgBox folder
for each item in folder.Entities 
   if not item.isShortcut And UCase(item.code) = "CMPA_INFO_D" then
         item.code = "CMPA_INFO_B"
         item.name = "申投诉信息表"
         item.comment = "申投诉信息表"
    end if 

    if not item.isShortcut And UCase(item.code) = "DRUG_DCLA_EVT_C" then
         item.code = "DRUG_DCLA_EVT_C"
         item.name = "药品申报事件表"
         item.comment = "药品申报事件表"
    end if 
end sub

3 vb修改表字段注释类型长度必填

Option Explicit 
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch 

Dim mdl ' the current model 
Set mdl = ActiveModel

Dim cld
for each cld in mdl.Packages
   ProcessFolder cld 

ProcessFolder mdl

' 修改函数
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder) 

Dim  item   '要处理的对象
' MsgBox folder

for each item in folder.Entities  
    if not item.isShortcut then  
       Dim col
       for each col in item.Attributes 
if UCase(item.code) = "CMPA_INFO_B" And col.code = "PROCRSLT" then 
end if 
'修改CMPA_INFO_B表中CMPA_TIME字段 datetime 类型如果是date则是 D
if UCase(item.code) = "CMPA_INFO_B" And col.code = "CMPA_TIME" then 
 '修改注释名称类型是否必填   mandatory:true,false 非必填 primaryIdentifier  是否主键 true 是false 否
         col.comment = "申投诉时间"
         col.name = "申投诉时间"
         col.dataType = "DT"
         col.mandatory = TRUE
         col.primaryIdentifier = TRUE
end if
' 修改PERF_SCO_INFO_B表中CRTER_NAME字段   varchar(50)             
if UCase(item.code) = "PERF_SCO_INFO_B" And col.code = "CRTER_NAME" then 
             '注释 类型 长度 是否必填     
              col.comment = "创建人姓名"
              col.dataType = "VA50"
              col.length = 50
              col.mandatory = FALSE
end if 
'修改PERF_SCO_INFO_B表中CRTE_OPTINS_NO字段  varchar(20)         
if UCase(item.code) = "PERF_SCO_INFO_B" And col.code = "CRTE_OPTINS_NO" then 
             col.comment = "创建机构编号"
             col.dataType = "VA20"
             col.length = 20
             col.mandatory = TRUE
end if
'修改DIM_BIDPRCU_MCS_PROD_E表中PERF_COMP字段 类型text longtext 使用 LVA
if UCase(item.code) = "DIM_BIDPRCU_PROD_E" And col.code = "PERF_COMP" then 
              col.comment = "性能组成"
              col.dataType = "TXT"
              col.mandatory = FALSE
end if 
' 修改FACT_SETL_E表中PURC_CNT字段 类型decimal(18,2)      length 长度 precision 精度       
if UCase(item.code) = "FACT_SETL_E" And col.code = "PURC_CNT" then
             col.comment = "采购数量"
             col.dataType = "DC18,2"
             col.length = 18
             col.precision = 2
             col.mandatory = FALSE
end if 
'修改FACT_SHORMED_E表中OUTSTO_CNT字段 类型int bigint用LI   
if UCase(item.code) = "FACT_SHORMED_E" And col.code = "PURC_CNT" then
           col.comment = "缺货数量"
           col.dataType = "I"
           col.mandatory = FALSE
end if                 
'修改FACT_MCS_SETL_E表中DELV_CNT字段 类型decimal(18) 
if UCase(item.code) = "FACT_MCS_SETL_E" And col.code = "DELV_CNT" then 
      col.comment = "配送数量"
      col.dataType = "DC18"
      col.length = 18
      col.mandatory = TRUE
end if 
    end if    
end sub

4 添加表

Option Explicit 
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch 
' the current model 
Dim mdl   
Set mdl = ActiveModel

Dim cld
for each cld in mdl.Packages
   ProcessFolder cld 

ProcessFolder mdl

'  修改函数
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder) 

Dim item, obj  '要处理的对象
MsgBox folder
' 信息模块下添加表
   if folder.name = "信息" then
        Set obj = folder.Entities.CreateNew()
        obj.SetNameAndCode "评分信息表", "PERF_INFO_B"
        obj.comment = "评分信息表"
   end if 

end sub

5 添加表字段

Option Explicit 
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch 

Dim mdl ' the current model 
Set mdl = ActiveModel

Dim cld
for each cld in mdl.Packages
   ProcessFolder cld 

ProcessFolder mdl

' 修改函数
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder) 

Dim item
for each item in folder.Entities 

          Dim new_t
          if not item.isShortcut And UCase(item.code) = "PERF_SCO_INFO_B" then 
              Set new_t = item.Attributes.CreateNew()
              new_t.SetNameAndCode "履约评分ID", "PERF_SCO_ID" 
              new_t.comment = "履约评分ID"
              new_t.dataType = "VA40"
              new_t.length = 40
              new_t.mandatory = FALSE
          end if 

end sub
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