spring webmvc转webflux的初步尝试

2018-12-13  本文已影响0人  爱余星痕


public class ExceptionHandlerAdvice  implements WebExceptionHandler {

     * Handle the given exception. A completion signal through the return value
     * indicates error handling is complete while an error signal indicates the
     * exception is still not handled.
     * @param exchange the current exchange
     * @param ex       the exception to handle
     * @return {@code Mono<Void>} to indicate when exception handling is complete
    public Mono<Void> handle(final ServerWebExchange exchange, final Throwable ex) {
        return handle(ex).flatMap(it -> it.writeTo(exchange,
                new HandlerStrategiesResponseContext(HandlerStrategies.withDefaults())))
                .flatMap(i -> Mono.empty());

    private Mono<ServerResponse> handle(Throwable ex) {
        return createResponse(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,   ex);

    private Mono<ServerResponse> createResponse(final HttpStatus httpStatus, Throwable ex) {
        ErrorResponseData data = new ErrorResponseData();
        return ServerResponse.status(httpStatus).syncBody(data);

     * The type Handler strategies response context.
    static class HandlerStrategiesResponseContext implements ServerResponse.Context {

        private HandlerStrategies handlerStrategies;

         * Instantiates a new Handler strategies response context.
         * @param handlerStrategies the handler strategies
        public HandlerStrategiesResponseContext(final HandlerStrategies handlerStrategies) {
            this.handlerStrategies = handlerStrategies;

         * Return the {@link HttpMessageWriter}s to be used for response body conversion.
         * @return the list of message writers
        public List<HttpMessageWriter<?>> messageWriters() {
            return this.handlerStrategies.messageWriters();

         * Return the  {@link ViewResolver}s to be used for view name resolution.
         * @return the list of view resolvers
        public List<ViewResolver> viewResolvers() {
            return this.handlerStrategies.viewResolvers();


public class RedisSessionConfig {
    public static ConfigureRedisAction configureRedisAction() {
        return ConfigureRedisAction.NO_OP;

    public HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver httpSessionStrategy() {
        return new HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver("x-auth-token");


public class RedisSessionConfig {
    public static ConfigureRedisAction configureRedisAction() {
        return ConfigureRedisAction.NO_OP;

    public HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver httpSessionStrategy() {
        return new HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver("x-auth-token");



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