全球变暖威胁是真实的还是幻觉?在二十世纪七十年代以来,很多科学家警告全球变冷的危险,而不是全球变暖。然而,今天宣传最广泛的警告还是全球变暖。比如,美国气象局的资深员工鲍勃考瑞尔(Bob Corell)注意到,地球的冰川正在以惊人的速度退缩,环绕北极圈的冰面已经显著地减少了。仅在过去15年,总共大约有1.05亿1英亩冰面融化了。他相信,这个变化的原因是人类活动产生的二氧化碳,特别是燃烧化石燃料。他预测,在100年后,海平面会上升3英尺,地球上每个国家低洼的海边区域会车洪水淹没。
但是不是所有的科学家都同意。比如麻省理工学院大气科学教授查理林晨(Richard Lindzen)坚持宣称全球变暖是“过期的科学”,一直被“对警报有兴趣”的人们夸大其词。林晨争辩认为即使这些人发表的数据是精确的,它们也不支持得到这样的结论,做出这么悲惨的预测。此外,他宣称,那些胆敢对全球变暖的官方意见挑战的人被威胁保持沉默,尤其被威胁取消研究经费和限制发表论文。为了支持这个声明,他引用了他自己和其他几个国家科学家的经验。
A Difference of Opinion
The following passage summarizes an important difference of opinion. After reading the statement, use the library and/or the Internet and find what knowledgeable people have said about the issue. Be sure to cover the entire range of views. Then assess the strengths and weaknesses of each. If you conclude that one view is entirely correct and the others are mistaken, explain how you reached that conclusion. If, as is more likely, you find that one view is more insightful than the others but that they all make some valid points, construct a view of your own that combines the insights from all views and explain why
that view is the most reasonable of all. Present your response in a composition or an oral report, as your instructor specifies.
Is the threat of global warming real or imaginary? As recently as the 1970s, many scientists were warning of the dangers, not of global warming, but of global cooling. Nevertheless, the most widely publicized alarms today concern global warming. For example, Bob Corell, Senior Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, notes that the earth’s glaciers are receding at an alarming rate and that the ice field surrounding the North Pole has already shrunk dramatically. In all, approximately 105 million acres of ice have melted in the past fifteen years alone. The cause of this change, he believes, is the carbon dioxide created by human activity, notably through the burning of fossil fuels. The result, he predicts, will be a rise in sea level of 3 feet over the next 100 years and the inundation of low-lying coastal areas in every country on earth.25
But not all scientists agree. For example, Richard Lindzen, Professor of Atmospheric Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), maintains that claims of global warming are “junk science” that is being hyped by people with a “vested interest in alarm.” Lindzen argues that even when
the data published by such people are accurate, they do not support the conclusions drawn and the dire predictions made. Moreover, he claims that experts who dare to challenge the official view of global warming are being intimidated into silence, notably by threats that their research funding will
be cut off and their publications suppressed. In support of this claim, he cites his own experience and that of scientists in several other countries.26
(Compounding the difficulty of this issue is the fact that in 2009 it was learned that some prominent scientists, in email exchanges, seemed to be condoning the manipulation of research data to support the global warming thesis.)
Begin your analysis by conducting a Google search using the term “controversy global warming.”