mapper 中将条件整合成引用

2021-02-03  本文已影响0人  盗生一
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
<mapper namespace="com.gxhj.safecommunity.person.mapper.PersonMapper">

    <select id="queryDicItemByAge" resultType="java.util.Map">

        select CASE
        WHEN age &lt; 14 THEN
        WHEN age BETWEEN 14 AND 17 THEN
        WHEN age BETWEEN 18 AND 29 THEN
        WHEN age BETWEEN 30 AND 44 THEN
        WHEN age BETWEEN 45 AND 59 THEN
        WHEN age BETWEEN 60 AND 74 THEN
        WHEN age > 74 THEN
        END AS agesope
        from (select age

        from (SELECT nvl(TRUNC(months_between(sysdate, pi.birthday) / 12), 0) AS age
        from Person_Info pi where 1=1
        <include refid="villageIdWhere"></include>)
        group by age
        order by age asc)
        WHEN age &lt; 14 THEN
        WHEN age BETWEEN 14 AND 17 THEN
        WHEN age BETWEEN 18 AND 29 THEN
        WHEN age BETWEEN 30 AND 44 THEN
        WHEN age BETWEEN 45 AND 59 THEN
        WHEN age BETWEEN 60 AND 74 THEN
        WHEN age > 74 THEN
        order by agesope


    <select id="queryCountGroupByProvince" resultType="java.util.Map">
        select count(1) as COUNT, code as NAME
        from (select ( substr(pi.NATIVE_ADMIN_AREA_CODE, 0, 2)) as code,pi.NATIVE_ADMIN_AREA_CODE
        <include refid="queryTable"></include>

            pi.NATIVE_ADMIN_AREA_CODE is not null
            <include refid="queryWhere"></include>
        group by code
        order by count(1) desc

    <select id="queryCountGroupByAge" resultType="com.gxhj.safecommunity.person.entity.PersonInfo">
        select count(1) as PERSON_ID, age as NAME
        <include refid="queryTable"></include>
            <include refid="queryWhere"></include>
        group by age
        order by age asc

    <select id="queryCountGroupByType" resultType="com.gxhj.safecommunity.vo.CountVo">
        select count(1) as count, PERSON_MANAGE_TYPE as name
        <include refid="queryTable"></include>
            <include refid="queryWhere"></include>
        group by PERSON_MANAGE_TYPE
        order by PERSON_MANAGE_TYPE asc

    <select id="queryCountGroupByAttentionType" resultType="java.util.Map">
        select count(pa.attention_type_code) as COUNT ,
        pa.attention_type_code as NAME
        <include refid="queryTable"></include>
        join Person_Attentionperson pa
        on pi.person_id = pa.person_id
            <include refid="queryWhere"></include>
        group by pa.attention_type_code
        order by count(pa.attention_type_code) desc

    <select id="pageWithCustom" resultType="com.gxhj.safecommunity.person.entity.PersonInfo">

        select, pi.age, pi.person_id, pi.gender_code, pi.idcard, pi.contact_number, pi.current_address,
        pi.PERSON_MANAGE_TYPE, b.villageNames as village_id, b.police_station_code, b.liability_zone_code,
        <include refid="queryTable"></include>
            <include refid="queryWhere"></include>

    <!-- 分页查询的表字段-->
    <sql id="queryTable">
        from (select nvl(TRUNC(months_between(sysdate, a.birthday) / 12), 0) as age, a.* from Person_Info a) pi
        left join (
            select wm_concat(vi1.police_station_code) as police_station_code, wm_concat(vi1.bureau_code) as bureau_code,
            wm_concat(vi1.sub_bureau_code) as sub_bureau_code, wm_concat(vi1.liability_zone_code) as liability_zone_code,
            wm_concat( as villageNames, vhp.person_id
            from village_info vi1
            left join (
                select village_id, owner_person_id as person_id from village_house union
                select village_id, person_id from Village_Personhouserelation
            ) vhp
            on vi1.village_id = vhp.village_id
            where vhp.person_id is not null
            group by vhp.person_id
         ) b
         on pi.person_id = b.person_id
    <!-- 分页查询条件-->
    <sql id="queryWhere">
        <if test="personInfo.key != null and personInfo.key!= ''">
            and ( like '%' || #{personInfo.key} || '%' or pi.idcard like '%' || #{personInfo.key} || '%' or
            pi.current_address like '%' || #{personInfo.key} || '%'
            or (exists (select *
            from village_house h
            where exists (select *
            from village_info vi
            where like '%' || #{personInfo.key} || '%'
            and vi.village_id = h.village_id)
            and h.owner_person_id = pi.person_id)
            or exists
            (select *
            from village_personhouserelation r
            where exists
            (select *
            from village_info vi
            where like '%' || #{personInfo.key} || '%'
            and vi.village_id = r.village_id)
            and r.person_id = pi.person_id
            and (departure_date is null or departure_date >= sysdate))

        <if test="personInfo.queryCustomTagList != null and personInfo.queryCustomTagList.size() > 0 ">
            and exists
            (select st.main_id
            from sys_tag st
            where pi.person_id = st.main_id
            <foreach collection="personInfo.queryCustomTagList" item="item" open="(" separator=" or " close=")"
                st.tag_name like '%' || #{item} || '%'
        <if test="personInfo.querySexList != null and personInfo.querySexList.size() > 0 ">
            and pi.gender_code in
            <foreach collection="personInfo.querySexList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"
        <if test="personInfo.queryNationList != null and personInfo.queryNationList.size() > 0 ">
            and pi.ethnicity_code in
            <foreach collection="personInfo.queryNationList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"
        <if test="personInfo.queryEductionList != null and personInfo.queryEductionList.size() > 0 ">
            and pi.education_code in
            <foreach collection="personInfo.queryEductionList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"

        <if test="personInfo.queryFaithList != null and personInfo.queryFaithList.size > 0 ">
            and pi.faith_code in
            <foreach collection="personInfo.queryFaithList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"
        <if test="personInfo.queryNationalityList != null and personInfo.queryNationalityList.size() > 0 ">
            and pi.nationality_code in
            <foreach collection="personInfo.queryNationalityList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"
        <if test="personInfo.queryPoliticalStatusList != null and personInfo.queryPoliticalStatusList.size() > 0 ">
            and pi.political_status_code in
            <foreach collection="personInfo.queryPoliticalStatusList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"
        <!--是否重点人员 0false 1 true-->
        <!--否重点人员 0-->
        <if test="personInfo.stakeholderNum != null  and personInfo.stakeholderNum==0">
            and (not exists (select * from person_attentionperson pa where pa.person_id = pi.person_id))
        <!--是重点人员 1-->
        <if test="personInfo.stakeholderNum != null  and personInfo.stakeholderNum==1">
            and (exists (select * from person_attentionperson pa where pa.person_id = pi.person_id))
        <if test="personInfo.lstAgeScope != null and personInfo.lstAgeScope.size() > 0 ">
            <foreach collection="personInfo.lstAgeScope" item="item" open="(" separator=" or " close=")"
                ( pi.age &gt;= #{item.minAge} and pi.age &lt;= #{item.maxAge})
        <if test="personInfo.queryPersonManageTypeList != null and personInfo.queryPersonManageTypeList.size() > 0 ">
            and pi.person_manage_type in
            <foreach collection="personInfo.queryPersonManageTypeList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"
        <if test="personInfo.queryAttentionTypeCodeList != null and personInfo.queryAttentionTypeCodeList.size()>0 ">
            and (exists (select * from person_attentionperson pa where pa.attention_type_code in
            <foreach collection="personInfo.queryAttentionTypeCodeList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"
            and pa.person_id = pi.person_id))
        <if test="personInfo.queryNativeAdminAreaCodeList != null and personInfo.queryNativeAdminAreaCodeList.size() > 0 ">
            and substr(pi.native_admin_area_code,0,2) in
            <foreach collection="personInfo.queryNativeAdminAreaCodeList" item="item" open="(" separator=","
                     close=")" index="index">
        <if test="personInfo.villageId != null and personInfo.villageId!= ''">
            and ( exists (select *
            from village_personhouserelation r
            where r.village_id = #{personInfo.villageId}
            and r.person_id = pi.person_id and (departure_date is null or departure_date >= sysdate) ) )
        <if test="personInfo.queryTenantList != null and personInfo.queryTenantList!= '' and  personInfo.queryTenantList == 3 ">
            and ( exists (select *
            from Village_Personhouserelation vph
            where (vph.departure_date is null or departure_date >= sysdate)
            and EXISTS (select *
            from VILLAGE_HOUSE vh
            where live_type = '4'
            and vph.person_id != vh.owner_person_id)
            and vph.person_id = pi.person_id))
        <if test="personInfo.queryVisitorList  != null and personInfo.queryVisitorList != '' and  personInfo.queryVisitorList  == 6 ">
            and (exists (select pv.visitor_person_id
            from perception_visitor pv
            where pi.person_id = pv.visitor_person_id))

        <!--警务责任区 lstBureauCode-->
        <if test="personInfo.getQueryPoliceCodes != null and personInfo.getQueryPoliceCodes.size() > 0 ">
            <if test="personInfo.lstBureauCode!= null and personInfo.lstBureauCode.size() > 0">
                <foreach collection="personInfo.lstBureauCode" item="item" open="(" separator=" or "
                         close=")" index="index">
                    b.bureau_code like '%' || #{item} || '%'
            <!--县局 lstSubBureauCode-->
            <if test="personInfo.lstSubBureauCode!= null and personInfo.lstSubBureauCode.size() > 0">
                <foreach collection="personInfo.lstSubBureauCode" item="item" open="(" separator=" or "
                         close=")" index="index">
                    b.sub_bureau_code like '%' || #{item} || '%'
            <!--派出所 lstPoliceStationCodes-->
            <if test="personInfo.lstPoliceStationCodes!= null and personInfo.lstPoliceStationCodes.size() > 0">
                <foreach collection="personInfo.lstPoliceStationCodes" item="item" open="(" separator=" or "
                         close=")" index="index">
                    b.police_station_code like '%' || #{item} || '%'

            <!--警务责任区 lstLiabilityZoneCodes-->
            <if test="personInfo.lstLiabilityZoneCodes!= null and personInfo.lstLiabilityZoneCodes.size() > 0">
                <foreach collection="personInfo.lstLiabilityZoneCodes" item="item" open="(" separator=" or "
                         close=")" index="index">
                    b.liability_zone_code like '%' || #{item} || '%'
            <!--            &lt;!&ndash;市局&ndash;&gt;-->
            <!--            <if test="personInfo.lstBureauCode!= null and personInfo.lstBureauCode.size() > 0">-->
            <!--                pi.bureau_code in-->
            <!--                <foreach collection="personInfo.lstBureauCode" item="item" open="(" separator=","-->
            <!--                         close=")" index="index">-->
            <!--                    #{item}-->
            <!--                </foreach>-->
            <!--                <if test="(personInfo.lstSubBureauCode!= null and personInfo.lstSubBureauCode.size() > 0) or (personInfo.lstPoliceStationCodes!= null and personInfo.lstPoliceStationCodes.size() > 0) or (personInfo.lstLiabilityZoneCodes!= null and personInfo.lstLiabilityZoneCodes.size() > 0)">-->
            <!--                    or-->
            <!--                </if>-->
            <!--            </if>-->
            <!--            &lt;!&ndash;县局 lstSubBureauCode&ndash;&gt;-->
            <!--            <if test="personInfo.lstSubBureauCode!= null and personInfo.lstSubBureauCode.size() > 0">-->
            <!--                pi.sub_bureau_code in-->
            <!--                <foreach collection="personInfo.lstSubBureauCode" item="item" open="(" separator=","-->
            <!--                         close=")" index="index">-->
            <!--                    #{item}-->
            <!--                </foreach>-->

            <!--                <if test="(personInfo.lstPoliceStationCodes!= null and personInfo.lstPoliceStationCodes.size() > 0) or (personInfo.lstLiabilityZoneCodes!= null and personInfo.lstLiabilityZoneCodes.size() > 0)">-->
            <!--                    or-->
            <!--                </if>-->
            <!--            </if>-->
            <!--            &lt;!&ndash;派出所 lstPoliceStationCodes&ndash;&gt;-->
            <!--            <if test="personInfo.lstPoliceStationCodes!= null and personInfo.lstPoliceStationCodes.size() > 0">-->
            <!--                pi.police_station_code in-->
            <!--                <foreach collection="personInfo.lstPoliceStationCodes" item="item" open="(" separator=","-->
            <!--                         close=")" index="index">-->
            <!--                    #{item}-->
            <!--                </foreach>-->
            <!--                <if test="(personInfo.lstLiabilityZoneCodes!= null and personInfo.lstLiabilityZoneCodes.size() > 0">-->
            <!--                    or-->
            <!--                </if>-->
            <!--            </if>-->

            <!--            &lt;!&ndash;警务责任区 lstLiabilityZoneCodes&ndash;&gt;-->
            <!--            <if test="personInfo.lstLiabilityZoneCodes!= null and personInfo.lstLiabilityZoneCodes.size() > 0">-->
            <!--                pi.liability_zone_code in-->
            <!--                <foreach collection="personInfo.lstLiabilityZoneCodes" item="item" open="(" separator=","-->
            <!--                         close=")" index="index">-->
            <!--                    #{item}-->
            <!--                </foreach>-->
            <!--            </if>-->
    <!-- 小区id查询条件-->
    <sql id="villageIdWhere">
        <if test="villageId != null and villageId != ''">
            and ( exists (select *
            from village_personhouserelation r
            where r.village_id = #{villageId}
            and r.person_id = pi.person_id and (departure_date is null or departure_date >= sysdate) ) )

    <select id="queryAllRelationById" resultType="com.gxhj.safecommunity.person.vo.RelationVo">
        <!-- 人与人关联 01 同户,02 配偶 03 同行-->
        <if test="relationType.size > 0">
            select pi.person_id as id,, pi.gender_code as sex, pi.IDCARD as idcard, pr.relation_name as
            queryType, 0 as dataType , '' as relation
            from person_info pi right join person_relation pr on pi.person_id = pr.sub_people_id
                and (pr.main_people_id = #{id} or pr.SUB_PEOPLE_ID = #{id})
                and pr.relation_name in
                <foreach collection="relationType" item="item" separator="," open="(" close=")" index="">

        <!-- 租客或房租 04 同住 -->
        <if test="type.contains('04')">
            <if test="type.contains('04') and relationType.size > 0">
                union all
            select v1.person_id as id,, p.GENDER_CODE as sex, p.IDCARD as idcard, '04' as queryType, 0 as
            dataType ,v1.OWNER_RELATION_CODE as relation
            from VILLAGE_PERSONHOUSERELATION v1 left join person_info p on v1.person_id = p.person_id
            exists ( select v2.house_id from VILLAGE_PERSONHOUSERELATION v2
            where v2.person_id = #{id} and v2.house_id = v1.house_id and (v2.departure_date is null or v2.departure_date
            >= sysdate))
            or exists ( select v3.house_id from village_house v3 where v3.owner_person_id = #{id} and v3.house_id =

        <!-- 查询访客 05 访客 -->
        <if test="type.contains('05')">
            <if test="type.contains('05') and (relationType.size > 0 or type.contains('04'))">
                union all
            select pi5.person_id as id,, pi5.GENDER_CODE as sex, pi5.IDCARD as idcard, '05' as queryType, 0
            as dataType , '' as relation
            from PERCEPTION_VISITOR pv5 left join person_Info pi5 on pv5.visitor_person_id = pi5.person_id
            exists ( select v2.house_id from VILLAGE_PERSONHOUSERELATION v2 where v2.person_id = #{id} and v2.house_id =
            pv5.access_house_id and (v2.departure_date is null or v2.departure_date &gt;= sysdate))
            or exists ( select v3.house_id from village_house v3 where v3.owner_person_id = #{id} and v3.house_id =

        <!-- 查询车辆 06 车辆 -->
        <if test="type.contains('06')">
            <if test="type.contains('06') and (relationType.size > 0 or type.contains('04') or type.contains('05'))">
                union all
            select v.vehicle_id as id, v.license_plate as name, '' as sex, '' as idcard, '06' as queryType, 1 as
            dataType , '' as relation from vehicle_info v
            where v.person_id = #{id}

        <!-- 查询房屋 07 房屋 -->
        <if test="type.contains('07')">
            <if test="type.contains('07') and (relationType.size > 0 or type.contains('04') or type.contains('05') or type.contains('06'))">
                union all
            select vh.house_id as id, v.NAME || vh.CODE as name, '' as sex, '' as idcard, '07' as queryType, 2
            as dataType , '' as relation
            from VILLAGE_HOUSE vh left join village_info v on vh.village_id = v.village_id
            where vh.owner_person_id = #{id}


    <!--  通过字段分组  -->
    <select id="queryGroupByField" resultType="java.lang.String">
        select ${key} as name
        from PERSON_INFO pi
            <include refid="villageIdWhere"></include>
        group by ${key}

    <!--  通过查询小区中,人员总数和重点人员总数  -->
    <select id="queryAttentionCountByField" resultType="java.util.Map">
        select sum((select count(1) from person_attentionperson p where p.person_id = pi.person_id)) attentionSum, sum(1) as personSum from person_info pi
            <include refid="villageIdWhere"></include>


    <!-- 通过小区id,查询所有派出所代码 -->
    <select id="queryPoliceStationCodeByVillageId" resultType="java.lang.String">
        select police_station_code from (
        select a.police_station_code, pi.person_id from person_info pi left join (
        select vh.village_id, vi.police_station_code, vh.owner_person_id as person_id from village_house vh left join
        village_info vi on vh.village_id = vi.village_id
        select vp.village_id, vi.police_station_code, vp.person_id from village_personhouserelation vp left join
        village_info vi on vp.village_id = vi.village_id
        ) a on pi.person_id = a.person_id
        where a.police_station_code is not null
        ) pi
            <include refid="villageIdWhere"></include>
            <if test="personId != null and personId != ''">
                and pi.person_id = #{personId}
        group by police_station_code


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