Logstash 邮件报警

2018-11-21  本文已影响30人  tingshuo123
input {

  file {
    type => ""
    path => ["/opt/log/plat_inter_error.*.log"]
    start_position => "beginning"

output {
    elasticsearch {
        hosts => [""]
        index => "logstash-%{type}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
        document_type => "%{type}"
        workers => 1
        flush_size => 20000
        idle_flush_time => 10
        template_overwrite => true

    email {
        port           =>    "25"
        address        =>    "smtp.qq.com"
        username       =>    "1820034099@qq.com"
        password       =>    "qugbpxrclkvdbfcg"
        authentication =>    "plain"
        use_tls        =>    false
        from           =>    "1820034099@qq.com"
        subject        =>    "Warning: you have an error!"
        to             =>    "duanyexuanmu@126.com, 907370586@qq.com, 1017458803@qq.com, 775166804@qq.com, 545786675@qq.com"
        via            =>    "smtp"
        body           =>    "you hava an error of plat_inter_error!"
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