BI系列(二): Relational Data Model a

2015-11-25  本文已影响0人  Carlin_entheos

Learning Objectives


To effectively use a relational database, you need two kinds of knowledge.

Basic Elements


Table is a two dimensional arrangement of data. A table consists of a heading defining the table name and column names and a body containing rows of data.

Data Type defines a set of values and permissible operations on the values. Each column of a table is associated with a data type.In SQL, data type includes CHAR(L), VARCHAR(L), FLOAT(P), DATA/TIME, DECIMAL(W,R), INTEGER, BOOLEAN).

Connections among Tables

Relationship is the connection between rows in two tables. Relationships are shown by column values in one table that match column values in another table.

Alternative Terminology

| Table-Oriented | Set-Oriented | Record-Oriented|
| :---- -------: | :----------:| :-------------: |
| Table | Relation | Record type; file |
| Row | Tuple | Record |
| Column | Attribute | Field |

Integrity Rules

Definition of the Integrity Rules

Entity integrity means that each table must have a column or combination of columns with unique values. For example, StdNo in Student is unique and the combination of StdNo and OfferNo is unique in Enrollment

Referential integrity means that the column values in one table must match column values in a related table

Applications of the Integrity Rules

Self-Referencing Relationship is a relationship in which a foreign key refers to the same table. Self-referencing relationships represent associations among members of the same set.

1-M Relationship is a connection between two tables in which one row of a parent table can be referenced by many rows of a child table. 1-M relationships are the most common kind of relationship.

M-N Relationship is a connection between tow tables in which rows of each table can be related to many rows of the other table. M-N relationships cannot be directly represented in the relational model. Two 1-M relationships and a linking or associative table represent an M-N relationship.

Delete and Update Actions for Referenced Rows


CREATE TABLE Syntax.png The first example.png Second Example.png Third example.png Fourth example.png Fifth Example.png Sixth Example.png
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