
2019-06-22  本文已影响0人  小令飞霜



[mot -move]
motor a.汽车的,机动的 n.发动机,马达,汽车
motive a.发动的,成为动机的
motion n.动作,移动,手势,请求,意向
mote n.尘埃、微粒、小错
motivate v.刺激;使有动机,激发...的积极性
promotion n.提升,晋升,推销

motivation n.动机;积极性,推动
learning motivation 学习动机
intrinsic motivation 内在动机;内在激励
achievement motivation 成就动机
1.eagerness and willingness to do something without needing to be told or forced to do it
2.The psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desire goal; the reason for the action ; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior
3. the condition of being motivitated.

e.g. Motivation is a very important factor in language learning.
e.g. Motivation is the eternal subject in the human resources management
e.g. His motivation was at a high level

replete a.充满的,装满的 be replete with [ re-again]
deplete v.耗尽 [de-not]

visible visit
envisage 展望,设想 [en-to] enlarge
invidious a.招人讨厌的 [in-not]
improvise v.即兴创作 [im-not][pro-之前] 不要之前看,不用提前准备


p-b t-d k-g-c-qu f-v s-z-x-th


sheeny shine sun 光亮的,有光泽的
feign feint 假装,佯攻
arduous 辛苦的,费力的 hard

5.形近字母变化 m-n u-v-w

renovate v.翻新 renew
lurk 潜伏 lower
prudent 谨慎的 provident 未雨绸缪,有远见

6.固定转换 s-t-d p-b-f-v-ph

dissent 不同意 [sent-sense]
pyromania n.纵火狂 firebug 放火狂,纵火癖 【同根 pyromancer 纵火者、火占师】
amorphous a. 无形状的 首尾字母颠倒 [morph-morf-form]


1.consecrate v.供奉,奉为神圣 [devote-奉献] [con-共同,一起]

sacrifice 牺牲,祭祀 [sacr-神圣的]
sacrilege n.亵渎,悖理逆天的行为 [sacr-神圣的]
desecrate v.亵渎、玷污 [de-not] [secr-神圣的]
execrate v.憎恶,咒骂 [e-not] [xecr-神圣的]

2.evoke 引起,唤起 lead to [vok/voc-喊] voice —— evoke my interest

convoke v.召集 [con-共同的,一起]
revoke 撤销,取消 [re-back] revoke my order
equivocal a.模棱两可的 [equiv-相等的,相同的] [voc-呼唤]
invoke 恳求,引起 [in-into,to,not]
vociferous a.嘈杂的,吵闹的 [fer-带来]
【同义】fuel 引发,引起 [fuel -燃料] fuel sth 激起,引起
trigger 触发,引起

3.bereave 使丧失,剥夺 [be-动作加强] [reave-rav-rap-rob-抢夺,吸引]

rapacious /rə'peɪʃəs/ a.贪婪的,强夺的
rapt a.狂喜的,着迷的
enrapture v.使狂喜
ravage n.蹂躏,破坏
ravish v.抢夺,使销魂 selfish 自私的
despoil v.洗劫,掠夺 [oil-浇油放火,掠夺]
deprive v.使丧失,剥夺
loot v.暴力洗劫,掠夺

4.abdomen n. 腹部;下腹;腹腔

belly n. 腹部;胃;食欲 vt. 使鼓起 vi. 涨满;鼓起
paunch n. 腹;大肚子;胃 vt. 剖腹;取出内脏 [pocket-袋子]

5.obsolete a.作废的,过时的 out of date [sol-be used of] [ob-相反的]

antiquated a.过时的,陈旧的,年老的 antique 古董
outmoded a.过时的 [mode-时尚]

6.groove 凹槽,沟 [carve- 雕刻;切开] [grave-雕刻;铭记;坟墓]

furrow n.犁沟 联想[row-一排]
rut n.车辙,凹槽 [route-路线]

7.jolt 摇动,使颠簸 [ journey-旅途]

molt 脱毛,换羽
bolt 急逃,夺门而逃
dolt 傻瓜 [dull -呆板的]

8.prowl v.(为觅食、偷窃等)潜行、徘徊 bowl

【同义】 rove roam 徘徊 [round-绕圈]
loiter 公共场合闲逛

9.scoop 挖,舀 [spoon-勺子-用勺子挖]

【同义】shovel 用铲子挖
excavate 挖掘,出土 [cave-山洞]

10.status 地位,状况

state 国家

11.sue 上诉,起诉

rue v.后悔
cue n.&v.暗示 [c-circle-包围-内在含义-暗示]
hue 色度,色彩

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