Bob the train - Lyrics dictation
皮仔喜欢看train,喜欢看bus。无意中搜到Bob the train系列,皮猴子可喜欢看了。
喜欢看是好事,看了能够学以致用就更好了。为了学习效果更好,少不得老母亲把这些歌词搬到生活场景当中来,有些funny song截至到目前,百度、google、必应都搜不到歌词,所以就有了这个Lyrics dictation。是我自己边听边默的,少不了有错误,有缘到此的宝妈宝爸们,希望能够指正哦!在此感谢送上❤❤❤

I am the shapes train choo choo choo, i am the shapes train.
Mr circle Mr circle, you are so round and round and round,
you can roll on the ground, you can roll all around.
Mr square Mr square, good morning how are you?
take care of your four sides and your four corners too.
Mr Triangle triangle, you look like a pyramid,
won't you join me on my train, as Mr Squre did.
Mr Star Mr Star, are you looking at the sky.
your friends will come out in the night, so very high.
Mr Rectangle rectangle, oh will you join us too,
my wagons are comfortable and shapes just like you.
Mr Oval Mr Oval, good morning how do you do?
Look your friends are all aboard, won't you join us too.