
2019-01-05  本文已影响0人  欧洲尤格萨隆
Spacial Relation&Needs

The man in the middle is the heaviest.
The man in the middle is heavier than the other two.
The woman on the left is smarter than the man on the right.

above 在..上方

The plane is flying above the clouds. 飞机在云层上面飞行
He lives on the floor above us. 他住在我们楼上.

over 在..上面 和above为近义词 很多情况可以进行替换

the plane is flying over the clouds.
The water is flowing over a waterfall.

表示位置的两样东西 有实际接触 就只能用over

I put the blanket over the sleeping child.
I pour some cream over the cake. 我在蛋糕上放了一下奶油 (有接触)

beneath 在..下方

The river is flowing beneath the bridge.(口语中 不如 under 和below常见)

need sth to do sth 需要某物做某事
You need a driver's license to drive a car.

against 做介词 反对

It is against the law to drive without a driver's license.没有驾照开车是违法的

credit 信用

on credit = buy now-pay later 赊购
We bought the car on credit.

do not need to do sth. 不需要做某事

You don't need to pay cash.You can buy it on credit.

useful 有用的

use sth. to do sth.
smart phones are very useful.
You can use them to make phone calls,play games or go shopping on the internet.
智能手机非常有用,你可以用它打电话 玩游戏,还能在网上购物.

in order to do sth.

否定式 in order not to do sth.
I got up early in order not to be late.

if 是否

This repair shop fixes cars and can check to see if it is safe to drive. 宾语从句 做动词see 的宾语
I'd like to know if it's raining tomorrow. 我想知道明天是否下雨
Ask him if he can come. 问他是否能来

描述地点:Some place is where people do sth.

Beijing is where I grew up.北京是我长大的地方
This is where I used to work.这里是我以前工作的地方.


I'm not good at cook.
I'm not a good cook.(我不是一个好厨子 英语想法表达)
I can't cook very well.

I feel like eating somtehing hot and spicy 形容词后置

hot 和 spicy 是形容词,当形容词修饰是不定代词(something,anything,everything 等)或不定副词(anywhere ,somewhere等),需要将形容词放在不定代词或不定副词的后边.这种情况称为形容词后置
Tell me something interesting 跟我说一些有趣的事
I met someone famous at the party 我在派对上遇到了一位名人.
There is nothing difficult in the world 世上无难事.
I don't want anything spicy 我不想吃任何辣的东西

Why 引导的宾语从句

I don't understand why people like to take so many pictures of themselves.
understand 是谓语动词 ,我不理解,不理解什么呢,why引导的宾语从句作宾语,我不理解为什么人们喜欢给自己照这么多照片
I don't know why she didn't come.我不知道她为什么没来.
I fount out why he was late. 我找到了他迟到的原因.

deliver 递送 传送

delivery man 外卖小哥
How long will it take for the food to get here.
How long will it take for the food to be delivered.


deposite 存钱
I deposite two thousand yuan every month.
withdraw 取钱
I'd like to withdraw 500 dollars,please.
bill 账单
pay bills 付账
Can I have the bill,please? 麻烦您 我想买单
as...as... 和...一样
not as...as... 不如...
The man isn't as smart as the woman is,
make a reservation 预定 预约
Do you have a reservation? 您有预定吗?
I have a reservation for two.我定了两个人的位子
take a break from the work=take a break from the office 工作累了想休息会.
fix = repair 修理
sth. is not working right 非正常运行

be tired of doing sth 厌倦做某事

I'm tired of waiting.我已经等烦了.
I'm tired of eating the same thing everyday.I want something different.每天吃一样东西已经吃腻了,我想吃点别的.

What do you have in mind? 你有什么想法?(用于询问细节,询问别人想法时,非常好用的一句话)
let's do sth different this weekend.咱们周末出去玩吧
Sure,What do you have in mind?好啊,你有什么好玩的吗?

Let's cook tonight.我们晚上做饭吧
What do you have in mind?做什么菜呢?

Feel like doing sth .想要做某事
What do you feel like doing this weekend?这周末你想做点什么?
I feel like seeing a movie . 我想看部电影.
Today,I don't feel like doing anything.我今天什么也不想干.
upset(肠胃不舒服) 形容词
My stomach doesn't feel good.It's a bit upset.
I had an upset stomach yesterday.我昨天胃不舒服.
find out 找出 弄清楚
hopefully 但愿 可以用来表示自己希望发生的事
Hopefully, We'll arrive before dark.但愿我们天黑前能到.
get lost 迷路
How long did it take you to walk there 你走到那里花了多长时间?
be surprised by sth.
I was really surprised by how many people were there.
take a picture/take a photo
Excuse me,could you take a photo of us?抱歉打扰了,请问能帮我们照一张照片吗?
take a selfie 拍张自拍
Let's take a selfie 一起来张自拍吧
share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某样东西
share her selfies with her friends.
old fashioned 过时的 老派的
see sb. doing sth 看见某人做某事
When I go to a restaurant ,I see many people looking at their smart phones.在餐厅我看到许多人盯着他们的手机
times 时代
Times are changing ,whether you like it or not.不管你喜不喜欢,时代在变.


