
2020-04-14  本文已影响0人  YAN_tdlorang

1. 语音





does your mother still volunteer at school?/it's been a long time.

father-in-law: farther 重/fathers-in-law 复数


2. 对话中的细(套)节(路)


so...how's your family?

you'r right. yer right 懒;弱

that's good/great. 礼貌

3. 对方询问what's up?


A: Hey, what's up? 

B: what's up? You know, same shit, different day.

not much 没什么特别

nothing much

how're you doing?

what's up? How are you?

4. 这tm也太巧了吧

(Eric 在国外偶遇自己的高中同学)

A: what's the odds? 这也太巧了吧,你也在这;

what're you doing here? 哥们,你特么在这干撒啊;

it's been a long time. 真是好久没见了啊

Eric: Yeah. You're as beautiful as ever. 你还是那么美啊!;

you're as stupid as ever. 你怎么还是那么傻!

you have't aged a day. 一天都没老。

5. in the neighborhood of (正式)= about 大约

这东西多少钱? How much is it?

it's in the neighborhood of five to six million dollars. 

6. any volunteer? any taker? 有没有自愿者?



 voluntarily/by choice

I join this Morning Reading Club by choice/voluntarily.


7. 你妈妈是个好人。

you'r mother is really nice person.

you'r mother has a heart of gold.

her girlfriend has a heart of gold.

8. 偶尔和经常

sporadically  [spə'rædɪkli]

Gym finds me a year sporadically. 我一年不去几次健身房

more often than not, you give up after 3 days. 经常不到三天你就放弃了。

9. 工资不错

make a deep breath 深呼吸

I want to get a job that pays well. 我想要换个工资高的工作。

your job pays really well. 

10. XX 很烦人

be pain in the ass/neck

obnoxicious [əbˈnɑːkʃəs]


But yours is far from my father-in-law's house. 哎呀, 你的多好, 离我老丈人家远啊

You know he can be pain in the ass. 他真的很烦人呢

The sound is kind of obnoxicious 这声音真是闲人

the kid is kind of obnoxious. 这小孩真的太烦人了

I'm trying to talk him out of crying/making noise. 我想劝他不要哭了/不要大声喧哗

knock it off

cut it out

stoping saying that

stoping doing that

keep your mouth shut

her lips are sealed.

the pay is decent. 工资高

the pay for the job is handsome. 这份工作给的薪水很不错.

the pay is considerable. 薪水相当可观

11. funny vs fun

it's funny

有趣的 make you laugh 让人笑 crack me up 

it's fun 

it's so fun 人挺有趣在;一起挺舒服

funny 奇怪的

it's funny that you can't hear me. 很奇怪, 你听不到我声音

what a funny sound. 好奇怪的声音

12. 东西总是别人家的好

superior to you

better than you

grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence).

you know how peope feel grass is always greener on the other side.

when I was a kid, my mother always said your schoolmates are better than you. Yeah, grass is always greener on the other side.

13. 真是羡慕的对象

you are the envy of the world

you are beautiful, smart, and importanly, you have a heart of gold.

长得好看, 聪明, 关键是你还有一颗金子般善良的心.

you are the envy of the world. 你真是全世界羡慕的对象.

14. 我要是能......., 我将愿意付出一切

Eric 英语好,还可以用英语养家,我要是他该多好。

I'd kill for the job like yours.

我如果能得到这个工作, 我愿意做任何事,付出一切。


I'd kill for a voice like that.

15. 离家比较近


super near

my workplace is super near where I live.

a stone's throw from XX.

my home is just a stone's throw from where I work/ my office.

仍个石头就能到的距离, 很近。

16. 别人请你吃饭,买单时你怎么说?正解:

A: it's on me. 我来请

我: you sure? 

A: yeah. It's on me. 

我:alright. Next time. It's on me.

千万别, no no no no 别套路了

17. 二手车, 怎么体面,得体的说呢

used car/second-hand car 二手车


the car is pre-owned. 这车之前有人用过。

18. test the water

Morning reading on the first day , we are testing the water to see if the teaching method is effective.

第一天的晨读, 我们就是测试下, 这样的授课方式是否有效.

19. 你想要找什么样的女朋友?

I'm looking for a car. 我想看一款车

what's your type? 你想找什么类型的?

which type?

what are you looking for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?

(company, marriage, me, car)


20. 一辆破车

the car is lemon.

this is a beat-up car. 年久失修, 有些年头


a economy car 空间

a budget car 便宜/促销车

cost-effectively 有效地

affordable 价格合理的

21. VIN number

what's your VIN number? 

Vehicle Information Number 车辆信息号码

I'm Chen Yan

C as in China

H as in history

E as in English

N as in Number

Till next time 后会有期

be there be square 不见不散

stay tuned 敬请关注


