
《Kaplan GMAT 800》 语法部分笔记

2017-03-05  本文已影响76人  嗓子疼


Unnecessary changes are incorrect changes when it comes to SC questions.

不必要的修改 是错的。


  1. Read the original sentence carefully.在心里默默读出题目,不要放过那些“听起来”就奇怪的地方
  2. Be systematic. 对比全部选项的答案,不要一个一个按顺序读,有错的直接排掉
  3. Always look at every choice. 不放过任何一个选项,即便第一个看起来挺顺眼的。因为考的是正确性以及有效性
  4. Pay attention to the meaning of the sentence. 越难的题越有可能考你其他选项有没有改变原句意思
  5. Keep track of time. 控制在一道题1分15秒

Sentence Correction 中八大类最常见的错误

1. Modifiers 修饰词错误

hard to recognizing but easy to fix, 难找不难改。

Declining revenues resulting from a decrease in business travel, <u>a source of income without which most commercial airlines could not survive, are</u> going to force many commercial airlines to increase prices and decrease services in the coming months.

我犯错的点:主语declining revenues是plural!!!

2. Idioms 习惯用语

习惯用语,没有什么到底可讲,像"I prefer rice to pasta"对,但"I prefer rice over pasta"就不对。能不能做对SC,取决于你是否能够区分出习语(isolate the idioms)并且基于你的基础知识来判断是否“听起来正确”。

<u>More adept than his predecessors at handling responsibility</u>, the new owner of the property rapidly increased the production rate of the land.

我犯错的点:原句中是More adeptly handling responsibility...,我错选了读起来最顺但是改了顺序改了意思的:Handlingmoreresponsibility adeptly。看来还是意思更重要。adeptly 是修饰handle的这里。

3. Parallelism 平行结构


There is no agreement at present on what function, if any, certai herbs like gingko bilboa have <u>in slowing the deterioration of or improving</u> memory.

我犯错的点:我选了没有"of"的选项(选项中其他都是一样的),这句话划线部分其实不太确定意思,所以没有特别理解应该是deterioration of memory,哎,不是错在平行,还是错在意思上了……

To tackle the issue of congressional campaign spending is <u>to become embroiled in a war that is raging between those who support public financing and</u> those who would lift the limits on the amount political parties and individuals may donate.

我犯错的点:我只判断了后面的between and 应该平行,没有确定前面开头的To do sth is 必须跟 to do sth, 这也是个平行结构。

4. Comparisons 比较结构

like, unlike, similar to and in contrast to.

You will notice that the terms of comparisons often begin modifying phrases.


5. Verb Tense 动词时态

一句很扯淡的话,“let the meaning of the sentence and the sound of the verb tenses guide you to the correct choice" 让句意和语感帮你找到正确选项。


Never before had the e-business industry <u>faced as many financial losses and employee cutbacks and as it faced</u> in the late 1990s.

我犯错的点:我把as it 后面的动词都省略了,但是这样就没有体现出 1990 发生的事情在never before之后,所以要明确的使用simple past时态"faced"来表示 1990发生的事情是在never before之后的。

Scientists are currently trying to determine the extent <u>to which tectonic plates have been shifted</u> from their previous positions by earthquakes and other similar phenomena.

我犯错的点,时态没错,我也是选了完成时,但是没注意后面的by agent, 所以改成主动了……不应该。

6. Subject/verb agreement 主谓一致


7. Pronouns 代词


Archaeologists have shown that ingesting lead in drinking water was a significant health hazard for the ancient Romans, <u>as it is for modern Americans</u>.

我犯错的点:我选了as that for modern Amerciancs。这样就用that代替了太多东西,代替了前面that从句中整个主谓结构,是不行的。需要用it is来分别代替主语和谓语。

Those who have visited the Grand Canyon have typically <u>seen layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, with different colors that mark</u> the passage of time like the rings in a tree trunk.


8. Expression 句子表达


<u>Because they have</u> nostrils, called nares, connected to olfactory bulbs that go back to the brain, sharks are capable of smelling even a few molecules of blood in the water.

我犯错的点:原句是As a result of having. 我选了Because of having,感觉比原句要简介一点,但是忘了动词由于ing这个规则……

<u>After the company recalled one of its best-selling products, it was forced to accept a $1 billion loss; its main competitor would have been forced to declare bankruptcy if it had suffered such a loss</u>.

我犯错的点:这句话又长有恶心,我觉得我是专注在代词上了,所以想尽量找it少的,因为it指代容易乱。但是忽略了前半句的时态问题,原句使用了after..., it would be的过去将来时,但此处应该直接都用过去时,因为是过去已经发生了,并没有表示预见的意思,所以前半句的时态应该是after...,it was forced..这个石台问题比it指代要严重的多,所以以此为高优先级。


