7 Optimal trading strategies

2021-04-18  本文已影响0人  hshg

7.1 Introduction

How do we go about determining the optimal trading strategy for a given order? We will start by examining an example trading decision framework, as described by Wayne Wagner(2006). This framework illustrates the process from the point of view of a buy-side trader:

  1. A portfolio manager initially notifies them of the order
  2. If there are any specific restrictions then the trader must use the designated broker.
  3. Otherwise, the trader must assess how difficult the order will be to trade.
    3.1 For orders that will provide much-needed liquidity to the markets, the trader should strive for the optimal price.
    3.2 Similarly, for the orders that are judged easy, the trader has a lot of leeway in how best to deal with them.
    3.3 Tough orders may be sub-categorized based on whether:
    • They are a large percentage of the average daily volume(ADV).
    • The asset is exhibiting significant trading momentum.
    • The investor has flagged the order as urgent.
      Depending on the perceived difficulty, the trader then must select the most appropriate method of trading. this may mean using trading algorithms, DMS, trying to cross the order, or negotiating a principal transaction with a dealer.

      A hierarchy of trading decisions

7.2 Assessing the difficulty of orders

Determining how difficult an order will depend on a range of properties. Wagner(2006) points out three such factors, namely large orders(relative to the ADV), unfavorable price momentum, and urgency. Conversely, the key feature that makes trading easy is liquidity.
One way of quantifying the potential order difficulty is based on historical results from transaction cost analysis(TCA). The following shows the results of a proprietary liquidity and impact cost analysis performed by Jacqueline King and Yan Yaroshevsky(2005) at Abel/Noser.

Realized costs for different asset groups
Order size, Liquidity, Volatility, Price momentum, Urgency, Trading horizon

7.3 Selecting the optimal trading strategy

Since the concept of the best execution revolves around achieving the investor's objectives, it is vital that these are considered:

7.4 Choosing between trading algorithms

Mapping algorithms to the efficient trading frontier

Differentiating algorithms using an efficient trading frontier
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