set of vertices representing the network nodes
set of arcs representing network directed links
set of anycast connections(requests) in the network.(只要客户的请求能通过某个路径到达网络中的任何一个servers就说这个anycast connection能被建立)
set of candidate paths of anycast request
the index set of candidate routes(paths) for anycast connection , 包含了该anycast connection 的client到网络中所有servers的全部可能路径的索引。
A route selection set. 指示出了当前为所有anycast requests所选的routes,,只包含binary variable中取值为1的那些。
=1,if arc belongs to route realizing connection ; 0 otherwise.
estimated bandwidth requirement of connection . 用向量表示所有anycast requests的bandwidth requirements。
capacity of arc a.
total message arrival rate (message/s)
=1, if route having index is selected for connection ; 0 otherwise.
flow of arc a.