序列 有序。
字符串, 列表, 元组 都属于序列
bicycles = ['trek', 'cannondale', 'redline', 'specialized']
message = "My first bicycle was a " + bicycles[0].title() + "."
My first bicycle was a Trek.
当请求获取列表元素时, Python只返回该元素,而不包括方括号和引号bicycles = ['trek', 'cannondale', 'redline', 'specialized'] print(bicycles[0]) 执行结果: trek
在Python中,第一个列表元素的索引为0, 这与列表操作的底层实现相关(//TODO)
要访问列表的任何元素,都可将其位置减1,并将结果作为索引bicycles = ['trek', 'cannondale', 'redline', 'specialized'] print(bicycles[1]) print(bicycles[3]) 执行结果: cannondale specialized
这种约定也适用于其他负数索引,例如,索引-2 返回倒数第 二个列表元素,索引-3 返回倒数第三个列表元素,以此类推bicycles = ['trek', 'cannondale', 'redline', 'specialized'] print(bicycles[-1]) print(bicycles[-2]) 执行结果: specialized redline
可以像使用其他变量一样使用列表中和的各个值bicycles = ['trek', 'cannondale', 'redline', 'specialized'] print(bicycles) message = "My first bicycle was a " + bicycles[0].title() + "." print(message)
names = ["Sunny", "Denny", "Jeecy", "Power", "Paul"] print(names[0]) print(names[1]) print(names[2]) print(names[3]) print(names[4]) # print(names[5]) # IndexError: list index out of range print('*' * 23) print(names[-1]) print(names[-2]) print(names[-3]) print(names[-4]) print(names[-5]) print('*' * 23) for name in names: print(name) 执行结果: Sunny Denny Jeecy Power Paul *********************** Paul Power Jeecy Denny Sunny *********************** Sunny Denny Jeecy Power Paul
names = ["Sunny", "Denny", "Jeecy", "Power", "Paul"] print("Hello %s, nice to meet you!" % names[0]) print("Hello %s, nice to meet you!" % names[1]) print("Hello %s, nice to meet you!" % names[2]) print("Hello %s, nice to meet you!" % names[3]) print("Hello %s, nice to meet you!" % names[4]) print('*' * 23) for name in names: print("Hello %s, nice to meet you!" % name) 执行结果: Hello Sunny, nice to meet you! Hello Denny, nice to meet you! Hello Jeecy, nice to meet you! Hello Power, nice to meet you! Hello Paul, nice to meet you! *********************** Hello Sunny, nice to meet you! Hello Denny, nice to meet you! Hello Jeecy, nice to meet you! Hello Power, nice to meet you! Hello Paul, nice to meet you!
traffics = ["摩拜单车", "丰田凯美瑞", "小牛电动车"] print("我交通出行工具:{0}".format(traffics[0])) print("我交通出行工具:{0}".format(traffics[1])) print("我交通出行工具:{0}".format(traffics[2])) print('*' * 23) for traffic in traffics: print("我交通出行工具:{0}".format(traffic)) 执行结果: 我交通出行工具:摩拜单车 我交通出行工具:丰田凯美瑞 我交通出行工具:小牛电动车 *********************** 我交通出行工具:摩拜单车 我交通出行工具:丰田凯美瑞 我交通出行工具:小牛电动车
减不存在, TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'list'
2.1 + 加 拼接traffics1 = ["摩拜单车", "丰田凯美瑞", "小牛电动车"] traffics2 = ["美团单车", "青桔单车", "哈罗单车"] traffics = traffics1 + traffics2 print(traffics) 执行结果: ['摩拜单车', '丰田凯美瑞', '小牛电动车', '美团单车', '青桔单车', '哈罗单车']
2.2 * 乘 重复
traffics = ["摩拜单车", "丰田凯美瑞", "小牛电动车"] print(traffics * 3) 执行结果: ['摩拜单车', '丰田凯美瑞', '小牛电动车', '摩拜单车', '丰田凯美瑞', '小牛电动车', '摩拜单车', '丰田凯美瑞', '小牛电动车']
3.1修改- 直接通过索引访问修改
motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] print(motorcycles) motorcycles[0] = 'ducati' print(motorcycles) 执行结果: ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] ['ducati', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']
3.2 添加:
- 通过append()方法,在列表末尾添加元素
# 在列表末尾添加元素 motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] print(motorcycles) motorcycles.append('ducati') print(motorcycles) 执行结果: ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki', 'ducati'] motorcycles = [] motorcycles.append('honda') motorcycles.append('yamaha') motorcycles.append('suzuki') print(motorcycles) 执行结果: ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']
- 通过insert()在列表任何位置添加元素,需要指定新元素的索引与值
# 在这个示例中, 值'ducati' 被插入到了列表开头; # 方法insert() 在索引0处添加空间,并将值'ducati'存储到这个地方。 # 这种操作将列表中既有的每个元素都右移一个位置: motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] motorcycles.insert(0, 'ducati') print(motorcycles) 执行结果: ['ducati', 'honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki']
3.3 删除:
- 使用del语句删除元素
使用del 可删除任何位置处的列表元素, 条件是知道其索引。
motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] print(motorcycles) del motorcycles[0] print(motorcycles) 执行结果: ['yamaha', 'suzuki'] motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] print(motorcycles) del motorcycles[1] print(motorcycles) 执行结果: ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] ['honda', 'suzuki']
- 使用方法pop() 删除元素
方法pop() 可删除列表末尾的元素, 并让你能够接着使用它。 术语弹出 ( pop) 源自这样的类比: 列表就像一个栈, 而删除列表末尾的元素相当于弹出栈顶元素。
实际上,可以通过pop()删除列表中任何位置的元素, 只需要在括号中指定要删除的元素的索引即可,删除列表中指定索引位置的元素,后面的元素整体向前移动。
motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] print(motorcycles) popped_motorcycle = motorcycles.pop() print(motorcycles) print(popped_motorcycle) 执行结果: ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] ['honda', 'yamaha'] suzuki motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] last_owned = motorcycles.pop() print("The last motorcycle I owned was a " + last_owned.title() + ".") 执行结果: The last motorcycle I owned was a Suzuki. motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] first_owned = motorcycles.pop(0) print('The first motorcycle I owned was a ' + first_owned.title() + '.') 执行结果: The first motorcycle I owned was a Honda.
- remove()根据值删除
使用remove() 从列表中删除元素时, 也可接着使用它的值。
方法remove() 只删除第一个指定的值。 如果要删除的值可能在列表中出现多次, 就需要使用循环来判断是否删除了所有这样的值。
motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki', 'ducati'] print(motorcycles) motorcycles.remove('ducati') print(motorcycles) 执行结果: ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki', 'ducati'] ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] motorcycles = ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki', 'ducati'] print(motorcycles) too_expensive = 'ducati' motorcycles.remove(too_expensive) print(motorcycles) print("\nA " + too_expensive.title() + " is too expensive for me.") 执行结果: ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki', 'ducati'] ['honda', 'yamaha', 'suzuki'] A Ducati is too expensive for me.
如果你要从列表中删除一个元素, 且不再以任何方式使用它, 就使用del 语句; 如果你要在删除元素后还能继续使用它, 就使用方法pop() 。
示例:invitees = ["Denny", "Jeecy", "Power", "Paul", "Andy"] for invitee in invitees: print("Hello %s, invite you to a dinner party" % invitee) uattendname = "Power" print("%s, unable to attend" % uattendname) invitees.remove(uattendname) invitees.append("AB") for invitee in invitees: print("Hello %s, invite you to a dinner party" % invitee) print("I find a big table") invitees.insert(0, "Sunny") import math i = math.floor(len(invitee) / 2) + 1 invitees.insert(i, "CD") invitees.append("EF") for invitee in invitees: print("Hello %s, invite you to a dinner party" % invitee) print("Oh, My god, Table cannot be delivered in time, so Only Two invitees could come this party") while len(invitees) > 2: delinvitee = invitees.pop() print("I'm sorry %s, I Can't invite you to this party for some reason" % delinvitee) for invitee in invitees: print("Hello %s, still invite you to a dinner party" % invitee) for i in range(0, len(invitees)): del invitees[0] print(invitees) 执行结果: Hello Denny, invite you to a dinner party Hello Jeecy, invite you to a dinner party Hello Power, invite you to a dinner party Hello Paul, invite you to a dinner party Hello Andy, invite you to a dinner party Power, unable to attend Hello Denny, invite you to a dinner party Hello Jeecy, invite you to a dinner party Hello Paul, invite you to a dinner party Hello Andy, invite you to a dinner party Hello AB, invite you to a dinner party I find a big table Hello Sunny, invite you to a dinner party Hello Denny, invite you to a dinner party Hello CD, invite you to a dinner party Hello Jeecy, invite you to a dinner party Hello Paul, invite you to a dinner party Hello Andy, invite you to a dinner party Hello AB, invite you to a dinner party Hello EF, invite you to a dinner party Oh, My god, Table cannot be delivered in time, so Only Two invitees could come this party I'm sorry EF, I Can't invite you to this party for some reason I'm sorry AB, I Can't invite you to this party for some reason I'm sorry Andy, I Can't invite you to this party for some reason I'm sorry Paul, I Can't invite you to this party for some reason I'm sorry Jeecy, I Can't invite you to this party for some reason I'm sorry CD, I Can't invite you to this party for some reason Hello Sunny, still invite you to a dinner party Hello Denny, still invite you to a dinner party []
创建的列表中, 元素的排列顺序常常是无法预测的。
经常需要以特定的顺序呈现信息。 有时候, 你希望保留列表元素最初的排列顺序, 而有时候又需要调整排列顺序。 Python提供了很多组织列表的方式, 可根据具体情况选用。
4.1 sort()对列表进行永久性排序
方法sort() 永久性地修改了列表元素的排列顺序, 再也无法恢复到原来的排列顺序:cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru'] cars.sort() print(cars) 执行结果: ['audi', 'bmw', 'subaru', 'toyota'] cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru'] cars.sort(reverse=True) print(cars) 执行结果: ['toyota', 'subaru', 'bmw', 'audi']
4.2 sorted()对列表进行临时性排序
要保留列表元素原来的排列顺序, 同时以特定的顺序呈现它们, 可使用函数sorted() 。 函数sorted() 让你能够按特定顺序显示列表元素, 同时不影响它们在列表中的原始排列顺序。cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru'] print("Here is the original list:") print(cars) print("\nHere is the sorted list:") print(sorted(cars)) print("\nHere is the sorted list:") print(sorted(cars, reverse=True)) print("\nHere is the original list again:") print(cars) 执行结果: Here is the original list: ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru'] Here is the sorted list: ['audi', 'bmw', 'subaru', 'toyota'] Here is the sorted list: ['toyota', 'subaru', 'bmw', 'audi'] Here is the original list again: ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru']
在并非所有的值都是小写时, 按字母顺序排列列表要复杂些,到底起逻辑是什么//TODO
4.3 列表倒序
要反转列表元素的排列顺序, 可使用方法reverse() ,将永远改变列表的顺序,但其实是可逆操作,再次调用reverse()即可恢复cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru'] print(cars) cars.reverse() print(cars) cars.reverse() print(cars) 执行结果: ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru'] ['subaru', 'toyota', 'audi', 'bmw'] ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru']
4.4 确定列表长度
使用函数len() 可快速获悉列表的长度cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota', 'subaru'] print(len(cars)) 执行结果: 4
destination = ["拉萨", "九寨沟", "长白山", "西双版纳", "重庆", "香港", "澳门", "马尔代夫", "塞班岛"] print(destination) print(sorted(destination)) print(destination) print(sorted(destination, reverse=True)) print(destination) destination.reverse() print(destination) destination.reverse() print(destination) destination.sort() print(destination) destination.sort(reverse=True) print(destination) 执行结果: ['拉萨', '九寨沟', '长白山', '西双版纳', '重庆', '香港', '澳门', '马尔代夫', '塞班岛'] ['九寨沟', '塞班岛', '拉萨', '澳门', '西双版纳', '重庆', '长白山', '香港', '马尔代夫'] ['拉萨', '九寨沟', '长白山', '西双版纳', '重庆', '香港', '澳门', '马尔代夫', '塞班岛'] ['马尔代夫', '香港', '长白山', '重庆', '西双版纳', '澳门', '拉萨', '塞班岛', '九寨沟'] ['拉萨', '九寨沟', '长白山', '西双版纳', '重庆', '香港', '澳门', '马尔代夫', '塞班岛'] ['塞班岛', '马尔代夫', '澳门', '香港', '重庆', '西双版纳', '长白山', '九寨沟', '拉萨'] ['拉萨', '九寨沟', '长白山', '西双版纳', '重庆', '香港', '澳门', '马尔代夫', '塞班岛'] ['九寨沟', '塞班岛', '拉萨', '澳门', '西双版纳', '重庆', '长白山', '香港', '马尔代夫'] ['马尔代夫', '香港', '长白山', '重庆', '西双版纳', '澳门', '拉萨', '塞班岛', '九寨沟'] invitees = ["Denny", "Jeecy", "Power", "Paul", "Andy"] for invitee in invitees: print("Hello %s, invite you to a dinner party" % invitee) uattendname = "Power" print("%s, unable to attend" % uattendname) invitees.remove(uattendname) invitees.append("Sunny") for invitee in invitees: print("Hello %s, invite you to a dinner party" % invitee) print('invitee Num:%d' % len(invitees)) 执行结果: Hello Denny, invite you to a dinner party Hello Jeecy, invite you to a dinner party Hello Power, invite you to a dinner party Hello Paul, invite you to a dinner party Hello Andy, invite you to a dinner party Power, unable to attend Hello Denny, invite you to a dinner party Hello Jeecy, invite you to a dinner party Hello Paul, invite you to a dinner party Hello Andy, invite you to a dinner party Hello Sunny, invite you to a dinner party invitee Num:5 roles = ["乔峰", "段誉", "虚竹", "杨过", "小龙女", "郭靖", "黄蓉", "张无忌", "周芷若", "赵敏"] # 访问 print(roles) print("roles Num:", len(roles)) print(roles[0]) print(roles[1]) print(roles[2]) print('*' * 23) # 修改,添加,删除 roles[8] = "小昭" print(roles) print('*' * 23) roles.append("韦小宝") roles.append("阿珂") print(roles) roles.insert(0, "洪七公") print(roles) print('*' * 23) del roles[0] print(roles) roles.pop() print(roles) roles.pop(10) print(roles) roles.remove("小昭") print(roles) print('*' * 23) print(sorted(roles)) print(sorted(roles, reverse=True)) print(roles) print('*' * 23) roles.reverse() print(roles) roles.reverse() print(roles) roles.sort() print(roles) print('*' * 23) print("roles Num:", len(roles)) 执行结果: ['乔峰', '段誉', '虚竹', '杨过', '小龙女', '郭靖', '黄蓉', '张无忌', '周芷若', '赵敏'] roles Num: 10 乔峰 段誉 虚竹 *********************** ['乔峰', '段誉', '虚竹', '杨过', '小龙女', '郭靖', '黄蓉', '张无忌', '小昭', '赵敏'] *********************** ['乔峰', '段誉', '虚竹', '杨过', '小龙女', '郭靖', '黄蓉', '张无忌', '小昭', '赵敏', '韦小宝', '阿珂'] ['洪七公', '乔峰', '段誉', '虚竹', '杨过', '小龙女', '郭靖', '黄蓉', '张无忌', '小昭', '赵敏', '韦小宝', '阿珂'] *********************** ['乔峰', '段誉', '虚竹', '杨过', '小龙女', '郭靖', '黄蓉', '张无忌', '小昭', '赵敏', '韦小宝', '阿珂'] ['乔峰', '段誉', '虚竹', '杨过', '小龙女', '郭靖', '黄蓉', '张无忌', '小昭', '赵敏', '韦小宝'] ['乔峰', '段誉', '虚竹', '杨过', '小龙女', '郭靖', '黄蓉', '张无忌', '小昭', '赵敏'] ['乔峰', '段誉', '虚竹', '杨过', '小龙女', '郭靖', '黄蓉', '张无忌', '赵敏'] *********************** ['乔峰', '小龙女', '张无忌', '杨过', '段誉', '虚竹', '赵敏', '郭靖', '黄蓉'] ['黄蓉', '郭靖', '赵敏', '虚竹', '段誉', '杨过', '张无忌', '小龙女', '乔峰'] ['乔峰', '段誉', '虚竹', '杨过', '小龙女', '郭靖', '黄蓉', '张无忌', '赵敏'] *********************** ['赵敏', '张无忌', '黄蓉', '郭靖', '小龙女', '杨过', '虚竹', '段誉', '乔峰'] ['乔峰', '段誉', '虚竹', '杨过', '小龙女', '郭靖', '黄蓉', '张无忌', '赵敏'] ['乔峰', '小龙女', '张无忌', '杨过', '段誉', '虚竹', '赵敏', '郭靖', '黄蓉'] *********************** roles Num: 9
使用for 循环处理数据是一种对数据集执行整体操作的不错的方式
主要注意: 避免缩进错误,不要遗漏冒号magicians = ['alice', 'david', 'carolina'] for magician in magicians: print(magician.title() + ", that was a great trick!") print("I can't wait to see your next trick, " + magician.title() + ".\n") print("Thank you everyone, that was a great magic show!") 执行结果: Alice, that was a great trick! I can't wait to see your next trick, Alice. David, that was a great trick! I can't wait to see your next trick, David. Carolina, that was a great trick! I can't wait to see your next trick, Carolina. Thank you everyone, that was a great magic show!
pizzas = ["海鲜至尊披萨", "奥尔良烤肉披萨", "榴莲芝士披萨", "西班牙火腿披萨", "鸡肉咖喱披萨"] for pizza in pizzas: print(pizza) print("*" * 23) for pizza in pizzas: print("我喜欢%s" % pizza) print("*" * 23) print("必胜客披萨:") i = 0 count = len(pizzas) for pizza in pizzas: i += 1 if i < count: print(pizza, end="、") else: print(pizza) print("我老婆非常喜欢吃披萨") 执行结果: 海鲜至尊披萨 奥尔良烤肉披萨 榴莲芝士披萨 西班牙火腿披萨 鸡肉咖喱披萨 *********************** 我喜欢海鲜至尊披萨 我喜欢奥尔良烤肉披萨 我喜欢榴莲芝士披萨 我喜欢西班牙火腿披萨 我喜欢鸡肉咖喱披萨 *********************** 必胜客披萨: 海鲜至尊披萨、奥尔良烤肉披萨、榴莲芝士披萨、西班牙火腿披萨、鸡肉咖喱披萨 我老婆非常喜欢吃披萨
- 函数range()
for value in range(1,6): print(value) 执行结果: 1 2 3 4 5
- 创建数字列表
可使用函数list() 将range() 的结果直接转换为列表
numbers = list(range(1,6)) print(numbers) 执行结果: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
函数range() 时,还可指定步长
even_numbers = list(range(2,11,2)) print(even_numbers) 执行结果: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
squares = [] for value in range(1,11): square = value**2 squares.append(square) print(squares) 执行结果: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]
- 数字列表执行简单统计
min(), max(), sum() 使用与数字列表,其实使用与任何列表?
digits = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0] print("Min: {}".format(min(digits))) print("Max: {}".format(max(digits))) print("Sum:{}".format(sum(digits))) 执行结果: Min: 0 Max: 9 Sum:45
- 列表解析
列表解析 将for 循环和创建新元素的代码合并成一行,并自动附加新元素。
定义一个表达式,编写一个for 循环,用于给表达式提供值
注意:这里的for 语句末尾没有冒号。
squares = [value**2 for value in range(1,11)] print(squares) 执行结果: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]
for i in range(1, 11): print(i) 执行结果: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 number = list(range(1,11)) for i in number: print(i) 执行结果: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 number = list(range(1,1000001)) print("min():", min(number)) print("max():", max(number)) print("sum():", sum(number)) 执行结果: min(): 1 max(): 1000000 sum(): 500000500000 odd = list(range(1, 20, 2)) for i in odd: print(i) 执行结果: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 multiples3 = list(range(3, 30, 3)) for i in multiples3: print(i) 执行结果: 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 cubes = [] for i in range(1, 11): cube = i ** 3 cubes.append(cube) print(cubes) cubes = [i ** 3 for i in range(1, 11)] print(cubes) 执行结果: [1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000] [1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000]
列表部分元素, python称之为切片- 切片
要创建切片, 可指定要使用的第一个元素和最后一个元素的索引。 与函数range() 一样, Python在到达你指定的第二个索引前面的元素后停止。 要输出列表中的前三个元素, 需
要指定索引0~3, 这将输出分别为0 、 1 和2 的元素。
players = ['charles', 'martina', 'michael', 'florence', 'eli'] print(players[0:3]) print(players[1:4]) print(players[:4]) # 未指定第一个索引,自动从列表开头开始获取 print(players[2:]) # 未指定第二个索引,自动获取到列表末尾 print(players[-3:]) # 负数索引返回离列表末尾相应距离的元素 执行结果: ['charles', 'martina', 'michael'] ['martina', 'michael', 'florence'] ['charles', 'martina', 'michael', 'florence'] ['michael', 'florence', 'eli'] ['michael', 'florence', 'eli']
- 遍历切片
players = ['charles', 'martina', 'michael', 'florence', 'eli'] print("Here are the first three players on my team:") for player in players[:3]: print(player.title()) 执行结果: Here are the first three players on my team: Charles Martina Michael
- 复制列表
要复制列表, 可创建一个包含整个列表的切片, 方法是同时省略起始索引和终止索引( [:] ) 。 这让Python创建一个始于第一个元素, 终止于最后一个元素的切片, 即复制整个列表。
# 赋值 my_foods = ['pizza', 'falafel', 'carrot cake'] #这里是赋值不是复制,并没有产生新的列表 friend_foods = my_foods my_foods.append('cannoli') friend_foods.append('ice cream') print("My favorite foods are:") print(my_foods) print("\nMy friend's favorite foods are:") print(friend_foods) 执行结果: My favorite foods are: ['pizza', 'falafel', 'carrot cake', 'cannoli', 'ice cream'] My friend's favorite foods are: ['pizza', 'falafel', 'carrot cake', 'cannoli', 'ice cream']
# 复制 my_foods = ['pizza', 'falafel', 'carrot cake'] friend_foods = my_foods[:] my_foods.append('cannoli') friend_foods.append('ice cream') print("My favorite foods are:") print(my_foods) print("\nMy friend's favorite foods are:") print(friend_foods) 执行结果: My favorite foods are: ['pizza', 'falafel', 'carrot cake', 'cannoli'] My friend's favorite foods are: ['pizza', 'falafel', 'carrot cake', 'ice cream']
pizzas = ["海鲜至尊披萨", "奥尔良烤肉披萨", "榴莲芝士披萨", "西班牙火腿披萨", "鸡肉咖喱披萨"] print("列表前三个元素:", pizzas[:3]) print("列表中间三个元素", pizzas[1:-1]) print("列表后三个元素:", pizzas[-3:]) 执行结果: 列表前三个元素: ['海鲜至尊披萨', '奥尔良烤肉披萨', '榴莲芝士披萨'] 列表中间三个元素 ['奥尔良烤肉披萨', '榴莲芝士披萨', '西班牙火腿披萨'] 列表后三个元素: ['榴莲芝士披萨', '西班牙火腿披萨', '鸡肉咖喱披萨'] pizzas = ["海鲜至尊披萨", "奥尔良烤肉披萨", "榴莲芝士披萨", "西班牙火腿披萨", "鸡肉咖喱披萨"] friend_pizzas = pizzas[:] pizzas.append("牛肉咖喱披萨") friend_pizzas.append("羊肉芝士披萨") print(pizzas) print(friend_pizzas) print("我喜欢的披萨:") for pizza in pizzas: print(pizza) print("*" * 23) print("我朋友喜欢的披萨:") for pizza in friend_pizzas: print(pizza) 执行结果: ['海鲜至尊披萨', '奥尔良烤肉披萨', '榴莲芝士披萨', '西班牙火腿披萨', '鸡肉咖喱披萨', '牛肉咖喱披萨'] ['海鲜至尊披萨', '奥尔良烤肉披萨', '榴莲芝士披萨', '西班牙火腿披萨', '鸡肉咖喱披萨', '羊肉芝士披萨'] 我喜欢的披萨: 海鲜至尊披萨 奥尔良烤肉披萨 榴莲芝士披萨 西班牙火腿披萨 鸡肉咖喱披萨 牛肉咖喱披萨 *********************** 我朋友喜欢的披萨: 海鲜至尊披萨 奥尔良烤肉披萨 榴莲芝士披萨 西班牙火腿披萨 鸡肉咖喱披萨 羊肉芝士披萨
- 切片
列表非常适合用于存储在程序运行期间可能变化的数据集。 列表是可以修改的。
有时候需要创建一系列不可修改的元素, 元组可以满足这种需求。
Python将不能修改的值称为不可变的 , 而不可变的列表被称为元组 。
元组看起来犹如列表, 但使用圆括号而不是方括号来标识。
定义元组后, 就可以使用索引来访问其元素, 就像访问列表元素一样。
dimensions = (200, 50) print(dimensions[0]) print(dimensions[1]) 执行结果: 200 50 dimensions[0] = 250 执行结果: Traceback (most recent call last): File "XXXX", line XX, in <module> dimensions[0] = 250 TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
减不存在, TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'tuple' and 'tuple'
2.1 + 加 拼接foods1 = ("龙虾", "三文鱼", "牛肉") foods2 = ("大闸蟹", "西班牙火腿") foods = foods1+ foods2 print(foods) 执行结果: ('龙虾', '三文鱼', '牛肉', '大闸蟹', '西班牙火腿')
2.2 * 乘 重复
foods = ("龙虾", "三文鱼", "牛肉") print(foods * 3) 执行结果: ('龙虾', '三文鱼', '牛肉', '龙虾', '三文鱼', '牛肉', '龙虾', '三文鱼', '牛肉')
dimensions = (200, 50) for dimension in dimensions: print(dimension) 执行结果: 200 50
虽然不能修改元组的元素, 但可以给存储元组的变量赋值dimensions = (200, 50) print("Original dimensions:") for dimension in dimensions: print(dimension) dimensions = (400, 100) print("\nModified dimensions:") for dimension in dimensions: print(dimension) 执行结果: Original dimensions: 200 50 Modified dimensions: 400 100
foods = ("龙虾", "三文鱼", "牛肉", "大闸蟹", "西班牙火腿") for food in foods: print(food) # foods[4] = "生菜" # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "ch04.py", line 180, in <module> # foods[4] = "生菜" # TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment print("*" * 23) foods = ("龙虾", "三文鱼", "羊肉", "大闸蟹", "生菜") for food in foods: print(food) 执行结果: 龙虾 三文鱼 牛肉 大闸蟹 西班牙火腿 *********************** 龙虾 三文鱼 羊肉 大闸蟹 生菜
- 元组相关补充说明
定义一个空的tuple,可以写成():>>> t = () >>> t ()
>>> t = (1) >>> t 1
>>> t = (1,) >>> t (1,)
>>> t = ('a', 'b', ['A', 'B']) >>> t[2][0] = 'X' >>> t[2][1] = 'Y' >>> t ('a', 'b', ['X', 'Y'])