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Opposites Game
TheOpposites Game is a very intriguing element, and one which fascinated me when Ifirst came across it.
Thepsychic first suggests to the client that there is someone in her life whom shedoes not get along with, or with whom she feels some friction. The psychic thenproceeds to describe this 'awkward' or 'unhelpful' person in some detail.
Todo this, the psychic simply endeavours to describe someone who would be theexact opposite of the client herself! For example, if the client seems quitereserved and formal, the psychic describes someone who seems carefree, casualand outlandish. If the client seems rather authoritative and outspoken, thepsychic describes someone timid and sheepish. In this way, the psychic needonly take a minute or two to deliver what seems like quite an impressive'psychic profile' of this shadowy enemy figure.
Moreoften than not, the client will be able to identify someone who matches thedescription, and whom she dislikes to some extent. This element is clearly lessthan sure-fire, and it is one which I have very little experience of using.Nonetheless, it is mentioned by more than one source on cold reading, and isprobably successful often enough to be worth trying.