
2021-08-31  本文已影响0人  夏蔷薇语

Educated-你当像鸟飞往你的山 ——原生家庭与教育的意义






在无数次地陷入自我怀疑之后,塔拉选择了主动离开,选择了与原生家庭截然不同的人生道路。Things gained and things lost.Sometimes you have to forget where you come from so that you can create a new version of yourself. She finally decided to flee as a bird to her mountain. 


2、Education——What is education? 什么是教育?教育的意义是什么?

1. Discover yourself-教育是自我创造和自我发现的过程




Education let me learn to reject antiquated definitions of what I was and what I was capable of doing. Definitions of me that have been given to me by other people that I'd believe in my whole life. You don't have to believe something about yourself just because someone else believes it even if it's someone that you love.


What's the obligation you owe to your family and what's the obligation you owe to yourself





Education is the process of figuring out what bits of that world was built for them in a childhood are they going to hold on to and what bits are they going to let go of. Education is a whole process of working out who you are from who you were, the identity you choose from the ones other people give to you.


We live in the same world, but we are all shaped in different ways. Stories that make it to us is largely created for us by other people. We go to school, and we are told this is what history is, this is what happened, this is the story we care about. We go to the internet, and we see news they want to show us, we are told things they want us to believe. And day by day, our mindset and worldview are shaped by the community we live in. 

Everybody learns a specific version of everything, and the trick is to try to step outside of that. Step outside of our comfort zone, recognize which community we are part of. It is really only when we start to read things that is a little bit outside of that box. It is education that broaden our horizons and give us various angles to see the world. It is Education help us distinguishes truth from propaganda.

2.Discover others: 教育让我们保持谦逊,和不同观点的人交流







The more you know, the more you know you don’t know. 正如古希腊著名哲学家芝诺所说,人的知识就好比一个圆圈,圆圈里面是已知的,圆圈外面是未知的。你知道得越多,圆圈也越大,你不知道的也就越多。


If you are trying to cross someone’s reality, trying to get someone’s perspective, humility is the secret to most things. Most things having to do with respect and education. A good education let us be exposed to more ideas and be exposed to a wider world. Education should never be a stick that we use to beat other people into submission. Education should never be a source of arrogance. Education should never be a weapon that we alien people with it. 

Instead, education should always be something that make us want to learn more about others and not just tell people more things. Education is more about enquiry and not just about knowing, not just about already having all the answers. Education is a wonderful and exciting experience of exploring knowledge that we should share with more people.  




People always want to characterize people. We take a really simplistic view of someone and we think we know what that is. But the fact is everybody is different, each situation is different. We all come from different families, be raised in different ways, have been through different things. That’s why it’s hard to understand a person completely.

Education should be radical. We should never define people based on what we know. We should read things we would not normally read. We should talk to people we are nervous to talk to, with people who we perceived to be different from us, with people who we disagree with. 

That's something we should always keep in mind.

3.Discover the world: 教育给了我们视角(perspective),和可以改变的信念


信念:圣经里有一句话:信念是希望之事的实质,是未见之事的证据。Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 而教育给人以信念。信念的可贵之处正在于,它让人们相信存在更好的世界,不同的世界,相信我们可以过上与以往不同的另一种生活,体会你从未体会过的爱。



In the End


Education gives us courageous to fight against the world. 

Education lets us understand ourselves more, understand others more, and understand the world more. 

Education leads us to explore new answers and build a new world. 

Education is the process of self-creation and self-discovery.

无论你在生活中遇到任何问题或困惑,坚持读书、思考、受教育,你必将被引领着寻找到新的答案,抵达新的世界;永远诉诸于父母,便只会永远被局限在原生家庭及父母的认知边界中。We will never deny or forget our love to them, but we should build our own world and write our own stories. Just fly as a bird to your mountain. 


