音频:《Jack o lantern》《Oh jack》《颠倒歌》《Pirate isaland》《George's friend》
动画:《Curious George》
1. We saw a ladybug.
Look. Here is a ladybug. It has four wings. Two are hard, and two are soft. It can fly. It also can crawl on the leaves. It has 24 black spots on its wings.

这款app是之前玩过,后来能力不行放弃,现在又重新拾起来的游戏。 If you want to earn your next monster, you must have enough ballbloons. When you do more puzzles, you can get more ballbloons.
今晚娃在商店买东西,突然就点去play puzzle.我问You don't have enough money to buy it?娃点点头继续努力赚钱了!

3. Who is the boss?
Coco, what a mess! Let's take turn to tidy up the blocks. I will put all the blue blocks into the bucket. …Okay, I finished, now it's your turn.
No. Now you find yellow, I find red.
Okey~You looks like the boss.
Yes, I am the boss!
But really?

4.Play with lego
Hello, guys! I got a good news! The cake shop will open today. Let's go there for a teatime.

If you want to ride the motorcycle, you must wear the helmet.

What can I do for you?
Do you have a menu?
Yes, here you are.
I want a cupcake and a cup of coffee.
Anything else?
The same with her.
Okay. Pls wait for a moment.


阅读:《Oh jack》《Jack and the beanstalk》