June1.You never lose that childlike innocence.# 今日儿童节
June2.Don't get lost.不要迷茫,不要彷徨。#《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙》今日上映
June3.Smile and the world smiles with you.微笑吧,世界也会跟着你微笑。#《战时丈夫》
June4.It is love that heal you.爱会治愈你。《沉睡魔咒2》
June5.There is no courage without fear。心有畏惧,方生勇气。#《花木兰》
June6.When one door closes,another one opens.上天关上一扇门,同时会为你开启另一扇窗。#《生活大爆炸》
June7.Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.有时起初的小小不悦,可以省去日后的诸多苦痛。#《怦然心动》
June8.There is nothing quite like the sweet scented smell of success. 成功的美妙滋味无与伦比。#《布里奇顿》
June9.We must fight together.我们要并肩作战。#《变形金刚:超能勇士崛起》
June10.Life is full of possibilities。人生有无限可能#《权利的游戏》
June11.You can't change the past.往事不可追#《狮子王》
June12.Family means nobody gets left behind.一家人就是要整整齐齐。#《星际宝贝》
June13.Any choice can be the right one,so long as you willingly embrace it.只要心之所向,任何选择都是正确的。#《万神殿》
June14.Don't let shame about you past cloud your future.别让过去的阴霾遮蔽未来。#《风中的女王》
June15.Good deeds are the seeds to good actions.善行激发善举。#《妙警贼探》
June16.The world has so much to offer。这个世界精彩纷呈。#《疯狂元素城》
June17.Not being heard is no reason for silence。不被倾听不是沉默的理由。#《女子监狱》
June18.My dad gave me unconditional love。父亲给了我无条件的爱。#今日父亲节
June19.We define ourselves by our actoons。我们应用行动定义自己。#《实习医生格蕾》
June20.Fortune ofen favors the bold。命运向赖眷顾勇者。#《福尔摩斯.基本演绎法》
June21.It's going to be a beautiful summer。这将是个美好的夏天。#今日夏至
June22.Wishing you peace and health for dragon Boat Festival。愿你端午安康。#今日端午节
June23.we can do anything we want if we really want to.只要心有所愿,一切皆可实现。#《副总统》
June24.The world is full of surprises。这个世界充满了惊喜与意外。#杜江《消失的她》
June25.Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence。坚持是这世上独一无二的品格。#《大创业家》
June26.With great power comes great responsibility。能力越大,责任越大。#《蜘蛛侠》
June27.The truth always comes out in the end。真相总会水落石出。#文咏珊《消失的她》
June28.Laughter is the best medicine。欢笑是最好的良药。#《史努比秀》
June29.A penny saved is a penny earned。省一分即是赚一分。#《冰血暴》
June30.Sometimes it's good to go with your gut。有时听从直觉是好事#《天蝎》