
Wisdom in life 12: Suffering is

2022-09-22  本文已影响0人  万里云罗一雁飞

Li Yinhe's Oral Autobiography is the audiobook I have been listening to lately via Himalaya. She described how, at the age of 14, she was sent to a labour camp in the desert of Inner Mongolia, where she had to work extremely hard every day and was given only a minimum of bread to eat. This was in the 1960s. The country was poor and young people were encouraged to go to the remote mountainous regions or to the countryside to gain strength through hard physical labour. The land in the desert region was barren, and of course, a year of hard labour yielded almost nothing, which was an extremely desperate circumstance. Barrenness prevailed not only in the physical world but also in the spirit world. No books, no movies, no entertainment, nothing! Nevertheless, Li spent three years there. Of the several hundred young people there, 10% went crazy or sank into depression. But Li persevered even though she was starved and physically and mentally exhausted. After this torturous experience, she realised that she had become much stronger and invincible. Nothing would defeat her anymore except death.

Li's experience helps me realise that suffering is counterintuitive. When we suffer, the obvious thing to do is to withdraw and close ourselves off from suffering, creating this little piece of armour to distract us from suffering.

However, the opposite is true: we should open ourselves directly to suffering and feel it with our full consciousness. With complete acceptance and full awareness, we will experience the suffering extra hard.

Through this alone, we will be able to dissolve suffering. Most suffering only occurs when we resist suffering, which is counterintuitive and indeed difficult to imagine. When we understand this truth and know the logical progression of suffering, we can practice it in everyday life, especially when we are in a moment of deep suffering. This counterintuitive truth is difficult for most people to grasp. However, spiritual people in various religions have long mastered this rule. It is a classic technique that spiritual masters, gurus and yogis have used for thousands of years. From time to time, they intentionally make themselves suffer, for example, by lying down on a bed of nails or sitting on a hard rock in a cave somewhere and meditating. This creates a lot of suffering. They also fast regularly to cleanse their bodies thoroughly. By doing these seemingly painful things, they realise their humility so that they can rediscover the beauty in ordinary, simple food and experience true happiness in the humdrum of everyday life. This purifies them spiritually and ultimately makes them happy and satisfied because they have gone through great sufferings.

This is also why spirituality is so counterintuitive and unattainable for the ordinary majority. Most people want to achieve just the opposite. They want to surround themselves with a comfortable environment where everything is perfect and idealistic. In this situation, people become soft and weak. And even the slightest excitement will make them suffer tremendously. On the other hand, a person who lives in a cave for 10 years can endure enormous suffering without any problems because he has trained himself to do so. These kinds of strong men with a super-hard inner core are called stoics. Their way of life and their way of thinking are called stoicism. In today's generally comfortable urban environment, everyone needs some training in stoicism so that we can realise the taste of true happiness and contentment.






