Word power made easy(Medicine)

2020-02-09  本文已影响0人  墨西哥的海岛

Seccion 5


internus    latin root    means inside  Internist(内科)    intern(医学实习生)

Gyne    Creek root      means women  logos means science    gynecology(妇科)  gynecologist(妇科医生)

Obsterix Latin root  means midwife(stand in front of the women in labor to aid the delivery of the infant)  obstertrics(产科)  obstertrician(产科医生)  ician means expert

Paidos  Greek root  means child    iatreia means  medical healing  and ician    pediatrics(儿科)

Agogos means leading    pedagogy(教育学)    pedagogical(adj)    pedagogue(卖弄学问的老师)

Demos means people    damagogue(煽动家,蛊惑民心的政治家)

Derma  Greek root  means skin  dermatology(皮肤科) dermatologist(皮肤科医生)  hypo neans under    hypodermic(皮下注射的)    epi means upon, on, over  epidermis(上皮,表皮)    epidemic means  among demos 流行病  epidemiology(流行病学)  taxis Great root means arrangement  taxidermy(动物皮剥制术)  taxidermist(动物皮剥制师)  pachys Gr root means thick  pachyderm(厚皮类动物,厚脸皮的人)dermatitis(皮肤炎症)

Pedis  latin root  means foot  pedestal(基础,基座)  petal(脚踏板)  pedestrian(行人)

Ophthalmos Gr root means eye plus logos science    ophthamology 眼科  ophthamologist 眼科医生  oculus latin root  oculist 眼科医生  ocular an adjective that refers to eye    momocle means a lens for one 单镜片  binocular双镜片optometrist验光师  opticians配镜师

Orthos  Gr root means straight or correct and paidos child  orthopedics矫形术  orthopedist整形医生    odon Gr root means tooth  orthodontics矫正牙齿

Kardia Gr root means heart  cardiology心脏病学  cardiac心脏病的,心脏的  cardiogram心电图 

Neuron Gr root nerve  neurology神经学  neuralgia  algos means pain  神经痛  neuritis神经炎症  neurosis 神经衰弱  神经病neurotic(adjective of the person suffering from neurosis)神经病的  神经病患者

Psyche Gr root  means spirit,soul, mind psychosis 精神病  psychotic精神病患者  精神病的  psychiatry精神病学  psychiatrist精神病学家  精神病医生

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