stay
play%20soccer
played
stop
playground
player
stove
please
story
plus
street
police%20officer
point
strawberry
poor
strong
pop
summer
porridge
pork
sun
sunny
postcard
puppet
student
put%20away
supper
purple
sure
put%20on
sweater
queen
surprise
quickly
swim
quick
swimming%20pool
quiet
swimsuit
quietly
tail
rabbit
take
radio
take%20off
talk%20on%20the%20phone
radio%20show
talk
rain
talk%20to
talked
rectangle
tall
rainy
red
read
rainbow
tea
rat
refrigerator
teach
ten
remember
teacher
restaurant
tenth
ride
teethtooth%20
right
team
rice
tell
thank
ring
thanks
road
that
room
the
rooster
rope
the%20US
rose
ruler
the%20dishes
the%20UK
road
them
run
then
run
these
runners
thing
salt
third
sad
think
thirteen
same
thirsty
sand
thirty
sandals
this
sandwich
those
saw
think%20think%20
scarf
thought
three
say
school
throw
school%20bus
tiger
scissors
tired
see
time
ticket
season
second
to
seven
toe
today
send
seventeen
together
seventh
toilet
shake
tomorrow
shape
too
she
too%20big
too%20small
shirt
towards
sheep
tooth
shop
top
shoes
toy
toy%20bus
shopped
triangle
short
train
shorts
show
trip
turn%20down
shower
sign
try
turn%20off
sing
sick
twelfth
turn%20up
singer
turn%20on
twelve
sink
six
twentyone
sister
two
sit
sixteen
twenty
umbrella
sixth
uncle
ski
under
skate
up
skin
us
skipping
usually
use
sky
skip
very
skirt
violin
vegetables
slide
waiter
sleep
waitress
slow
slowly
visit
slower
wake
wake%20up
smell
walk
small
walked
snack
want
snake
snowball
wall
snow
snowy
wanted
some
we
west
western
sometimes
wet
what
speak
week
where
wash
washroom
warm
white
watch
who
will
win
wind
window
windy
special
winter
spoon
sport
with
socks
wolf
sorry
word
womenwoman%20
someone
woman
sports
spring
worker
write
song
soccer%20ball
wrong
square
snowman
watch%20TV
year
stamp
stand
water
yellow
star
yes
son
weak
stay
yesterday
something
stomach
stomachache
you
stop
young
your
yours
story
stove
zero
strawberry
street
zoo
strong
student
summer
sun
sunny
supper
sure
sweater
swim
swimsuit
swimming%20pool
take
take%20off
talk
tail
talk%20on%20the%20phone
talk%20to
talked
tall
teach
tea
team
teacher
teethtooth%20
tell
ten
wear
thank
tenth
thanks
that
the%20UK
the
the%20dishes
the%20US
them
then
these
thing
think
third
thirsty
thirteen
thirty
this
think%20think%20
thought
those
surprise
throw
three
ticket
tiger
time
tired
to
today
toe
toilet
together
too%20big
tomorrow
too
too%20small
tooth
towards
toy
top
toy%20bus
triangle
trip
turn%20down
train
try
turn%20off
turn%20on
turn%20up
twelve
twenty
twentyone
two
umbrella
twelfth
uncle
under
up
usually
us
very
vegetables
violin
visit
waiter
waitress
wake
use
wake%20up
walk
walked
welcome
wanted
wall
warm
wash
washroom
watch%20TV
watch
want
water
we
weak
wentgo%20
wear
west
welcome
western
wet
week
what
where
who
white
will
wind
windy
window
winter
soon
wolf
with
womenwoman%20
woman
win
word
worker
write
wrong
year
yesterday
yes
you
your
young
yours
yellow
zero
zoo
soup
wentgo%20
south