
2018-11-21  本文已影响0人  尼克123

First class

After warm up with the ball,  the training focused on the ball passing. A group of five on a square 8m*8m, pass and follow. The player was required to control the ball and change the direction, with maximum of threetouches then pass to his teammate and follow by sprinting. Later they were asked to change passing direction and try to use different foot; with passing exercise they played 4v1one player inside and try to get the ball and four others keep the ball by passing, the ball looser get inside.


Finally they played an open game3vs3. In the beginning if a team completes three passes, the team gets one point; if a team scores a goal they get one point. Later they played normally. The payers are improving and determined.

Second class


Due to the weather which was cold, the player started by warm up without ball; jogging, running with different exercises and sprints and then warm-up with the ball which emphasized on dribbling.

After warmup, the training themewas dribble and pass the ball. A group of four persons on a triangle, dribble till the middle and pass the ball to your teammate, and so on …

With dribbling and passing they played 3v3, the coach set the balland two players on the pitch try to get the ball and pass it to theirteammate on the line behind, that one must be moving along the line to get a pass from his teammates, if the pass is well done and controlled, they get one point after two minutes the player outside is changed. After that exercise they played a normal game 4v4, the pitch size 40*25 with two small goals.

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