
"b. Make being open-minded a hab

2021-05-03  本文已影响0人  沐春风卡卡

"b. Make being open-minded a habit. The life that you will live is most simply the result of habits you develop. If you consistently use feelings of anger/frustration as cues to calm down, slow down, and approach the subject at hand thoughtfully, over time you’ll experience negative emotions much less frequently and go directly to the open-minded practices I just described.

Of course, this can be very hard for people to do in the moment because your “lower-level you” emotions are so powerful. The good news is that these “amygdala hijackings”don’t last long so even if you’re having trouble controlling yourself in the moment, you can also allow a little time to pass to give your higher-level you space to reflect in a quality way. Have others whom you respect help you too.

b.将头脑开放作为一种习惯。基本上,你养 成什么样的习惯,就将有什么样的生活。如果你 始终把愤怒感、挫败感作为提醒自己的迹象,从 而冷静,慢下来,以深思熟虑的方式看待眼前的 问题,逐渐地,你的负面情绪出现的频率就会大 大下降,你就会直接成为我上文描述的那种头脑 开放的人。

当然,马上让人做到这一点是很难的,因为 你各种“较低层次”的情绪非常强大。但好消息是

这种“杏仁核绑架”[3]通常不会持续很长时间,所 以尽管你一时难以控制自己,你还是可以有一段 缓冲时间,给“较高层次的你”以空间来进行高质量的反思。你也可以让你尊重的人来帮助自己。"

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