2021-03-20 On being your own wit
Over the past year, most of us have been working from home and spending more time than usual on our own. Throughout the day, there’s no one who’s watching what we’re doing. It’s been the perfect self-awareness exercise to figure out what our true motives are.
So often, we’re motivated by getting the approval of other people. The jobs we take, the books we read, the clothes we buy, the pictures we take for social media, the people we associate with. We do those things because we want to be liked by others.
That’s why it’s important to actually like yourself. This might sound weird, but do you enjoy spending time alone? Even if it’s a few minutes. Or are you always thinking about what other people are doing? Or what so-and-so said about you yesterday? Or, as I often did, thinking about how you somehow can get ahead in life?
All of that is great. But it should never be the primary reason we do something. In a relationship, we should enjoy spending time with our partners. At our job, we should be pleased with the job we do. In our business, we should be proud of the products and services we offer.
What do you do when no one’s watching? Your actions during those moments define you. Do you work because it matters to you? Do you show up early because you’re excited to practice? Do you read books because you want to learn? Do you think of your partner because you care about them?
When you’re giving everything your best when no one’s watching, you know that you’re the only witness you need. That’s the epitome of self-motivation. We often look at others for motivation, but we should look within. By changing your mindset, and becoming your own witness, you never need other people to motivate you. You’re always there to keep yourself accountable. All the best.