2021-03-22 行业批量接种疫苗

2021-03-22  本文已影响0人  siya



1 缺乏一致性  lack consistency 

2 邮轮 cruise ship

3 疫情早期 early in the pandemic

4 对船员不做此要求 makes no such demands of the crew

5 老年群体是优先接种群体 the elderly have been first in the queue for jabs

6 整个行业并没有采取一致性的措施 the industry is not taking a consistent approach 

7 两个群体强制接种 make a mandatory for both groups 

8 英国邮轮公司 Swan Hellenic 

9 胜利号邮轮 Victory Cruise Lines 

10 保持社交距离和戴口罩 insist on social distancing and mask-wearing 

11 相互病毒感染 catch the virus from each other 

12 减少符合条件的员工接种障碍 reduce barries for eligible staff to get vaccines 

13 这是企业所能做到最好的了 this is probably as far as they can go

14 面临一系列权衡 face a series of tradeoffs 

15 确保员工尽可能达到最高卫生标准ensure the best possible hygiene standards for their staff 

16 acquired immunity, vaccines and theropies makes Covid-19 no more life threatening than seasonful flu.

获得免疫,打疫苗  和治疗方式使得新冠疫情的危害不会比季节性流感的危害更高。

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