
algorithms-ch4-paths in graphs

2016-05-07  本文已影响33人  暗黑破坏球嘿哈

4.1 Distane

The distance between two nodes is the length of the shortest path between them.

4.2 Breadth-first search

All the breadth-first search tree's paths from S are the shortest possible. It is therefore a shortest-path tree.

procedure bfs(G,s)
Input: Graph G = (V,E), directed or undirected; vertex s ∈ V
Output: For all vertices u reachable from s, dist(u) is set to the distance from s to u.

for all u ∈ V :
  dist(u) = ∞

dist(s) = 0
Q = [s] (queue containing just s)
while Q is not empty:
  u = eject(Q)
  for all edges (u, v) ∈ E:
    if dist(v) = ∞:
      inject(Q, v)
       dist(v) = dist(u) + 1

The overall running time of this algorithm is linear, O(|V | + |E|)

comparison DFS BFS
search strategy Depth-first search makes deep incursions into a graph, retreating only when it runs out of new nodes to visit Breadth-first search makes sure to visit vertices in increasing order of their distance from the starting point.
implementation stack queue
application cycle test, connection test, SCC(directed) ,topological sort cycle test, connection test, shortest path
time complexity adjacent matrix Θ(V^2), adjacent list Θ(V+E) same as DFS
// Θ( V + E )

4.4 Dijkstra’s algorithm


procedure dijkstra(G, l, s)
Input: Graph G = (V, E), directed or undirected;positive edge lengths {le : e ∈ E}; vertex s ∈ V
Output:For all vertices u reachable from s, dist(u) is setto the distance from s to u.

for all u ∈ V :
  dist(u) = ∞
  prev(u) = nil

dist(s) = 0

H = makequeue (V ) (using dist-values as keys)
while H is not empty:
  u = deletemin(H )
  for all edges (u, v) ∈ E:
    if dist(v) > dist(u) + l(u, v):
      dist(v) = dist(u) + l(u, v)
      prev(v) = u  //shortest path 
      decreasekey(H, v) // decrease the key( value of dist(v)) in the queue
Running time

Dijkstra’s algorithm is structurally identical to breadth-first search. However, it is slower because the priority queue primitives are computationally more demanding than the constant-time eject’s and inject’s of BFS

we get a total of |V | deletemin and |V | + |E| insert/decreasekey operations.


4.5 Priority queue implementations

4.5.1 Array

The simplest implementation of a priority queue is as an unordered array of key values for all potential elements (the vertices of the graph, in the case of Dijkstra’s algorithm). Initially,these values are set to ∞.

An insert or decreasekey is fast, because it just involves adjusting a key value, an O(1) operation. To deletemin, on the other hand, requires a linear-time scan of the list.

4.5.2 Binary heap
  1. Elements are stored in a complete binary tree
  2. each level is filled in from left to right, and must be full before the next level is started.
  3. the key value of any node of the tree is less than or equal to that of its children.

Therefore, the root always contains the smallest element.

4.5.3 d-ary heap

A d-ary heap is identical to a binary heap, except that nodes have d children instead of justtwo. This reduces the height of a tree with n elements to Θ(logd n) = Θ((log n)/(log d)). Insertsare therefore speeded up by a factor of Θ(log d). Deletemin operations, however, take a littlelonger, namely O(d logd n)

4.6 Shortest paths in the presence of negative edges

Bellman-ford algorithm

procedure update((u, v) ∈ E)
dist(v) = min{dist(v), dist(u) + l(u, v)}

procedure shortest-paths(G, l, s)
Input: Directed graph G = (V, E);edge lengths {le : e ∈ E} with no negative cycles;vertex s ∈ V
Output: For all vertices u reachable from s, dist(u) is set to the distance from s to u.

for all u ∈ V :
  dist(u) = ∞
  prev(u) = nil

dist(s) = 0
repeat |V | − 1 times:
  for all e∈E:


graph more specific
Negative cycles

The shortest-path problem is ill-posed in graphs with negative cycles.
Such acycle would allow us to endlessly apply rounds of update operations, reducing dist estimates every time.
There is a negative cycle if and only if some dist value is reduced during this final round.

4.7 Shortest paths in dags

DAGs avoid negative cycle.

procedure dag-shortest-paths(G, l, s)
Input: DagG=(V,E);edge lengths {le :e∈E};vertex s∈V
Output: For all vertices u reachable from s, dist(u) is set to the distance from s to u.

for all u ∈ V :
  dist(u) = ∞
  prev(u) = nil

dist(s) = 0
Linearize G
for each u ∈ V , in linearized order:
  for all edges (u, v) ∈ E:
    update(u, v)

procedure update((u, v) ∈ E)
dist(v) = min{dist(v), dist(u) + l(u, v)}

In particular, we can find longest paths in a dag by the same algorithm: just negate all edge lengths.

To sum up all algorithms for shortest path:

Algorithms features Time complexity
BFS s->t, weight=1 O(|V|+|E|)
dijkstra s->t, non-negative weight binary heap:O((|V|+|E|)*log|V|)
Bellman-ford s->t, can deal with negative weight O(|V|*|E|)
DAG s->t, DAG O(|E|)
Floyd-Warshall all pairs of vertices' shortest path O(|E|)

Prim 算法
Kruskal 算法

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