Today, do you hear God’s voice?
“Now the LORD came and stood there, calling as before, ’Samuel! Samuel!’ And Samuel said, ‘Speak, for your servant is listening.’” 1 Samuel3:10
Sometimes, we can pay more attention to God’s words for a special thing, but it doesn’t mean that all things we do follow God’s rules. Our spirit and mind can’t give a positive response to God, so, this shows that we don’t love and respect for God. If we love our friends, naturally we will focus on their needs. Jesus said:” You are my friend.” In this week, whether do we disobey God’s rules? If we know that the commandments are from God, we will not disobey the rules deliberately. However, we often ignore God’s existence and hardly hear what God says. Maybe God never say anything to us.
The pinnacle of the spiritual life is that we can feel God being with us, and we often listen to God’s words. Equally, God also hear our prayers.
“But when Jesus heard it, he said, ‘This illness does not lead to death; rather it is for God's glory, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.’" John11:4
If we unite with Jesus Christ, we will listen to him anytime and anywhere. A marsh lily, a tree and a God’s servant can bring God’s information. Other negative things wrapping around me let me not to listen to God’s voice. We cannot hear God’s words because our minds are tempted to think about other things. We don’t concern about God carefully. Maybe we only focus on some things, serving and our belief. God just says, but our attitude tends to be negative. As a real Christian, a right attitude should be that “God, speak, for your servant is listening.” If we don’t have the habit that we listen to God’s voice carefully, we just only can hear God’s voice occasionally. Other time will be wasted by some things God doesn’t like, which is hard to escape. In this way, we live like a deaf people In God’s presence. We don’t live carefully as the Lord’s loving children. Today, do you hear God’s voice?