Building a Programming Habit

Now I want to talk about something that helps with habit building.
And it's this idea of creating a cue for your habit.
So if the habit that you wanted to create was do 50 press ups every day, or go to the gym every day, or learning to code every day, then it really helps when you have a cue.
For example I had a habit which is to meditate for 20 minutes every morning and I never really managed to get around to doing it.
Every morning after I brush my teeth, I am just going to go and sit down and meditate for 20 minutes.
Nothing else, it's so easy.
Because once I start brushing my teeth, this trigger the other habit .
I brush my teeth every day, then that habit just allows the next habit to build a little bit easier.
See if you already have a habit and then try to do just half an hour of coding or an hour of coding afterwards and see if that helps you get into the groove a little bit easier.
So try this out, I think you are doing fantastic.
So keep going.
2020.08.13 night
Shanghai Erlian