2019-01-16 本文已影响10人
# Import library
import json
from difflib import get_close_matches
data = json.load(open("data.json"))
def retrieve_definition(word):
word = word.lower()
# Check for non existing words
# 1st elif: To make sure the program return the definition of words that start with a capital letter
# (e.g. Delhi, Texas)
# 2nd elif: To make sure the program return the definition of acronyms (e.g. USA, NATO)
# 3rd elif: To find a similar word
# -- len > 0 because we can print only when the word has 1 or more close matches
# -- In the return statement, the last [0] represents the first element from the list of close matches
if word in data:
return data[word]
elif word.title() in data:
return data[word.title()]
elif word.upper() in data:
return data[word.upper()]
elif len(get_close_matches(word, data.keys())) > 0:
action = input("Did you mean %s instead? [y or n]: " % get_close_matches(word, data.keys())[0])
# -- If the answers is yes, retrieve definition of suggested word
if action == "y":
return data[get_close_matches(word, data.keys())[0]]
elif action == "n":
return "The word doesn't exist, yet."
return "We don't understand your entry. Apologies."
# Input from user
word_user = input("Enter a word: ")
# Retrieve the definition using function and print the result
output = retrieve_definition(word_user)
# If a word has more than one definition, print them recursively
if type(output) == list:
for item in output:
print("-", item)
# For words having single definition
print("-", output)