黑猫阅读 The adventures Of Tom Sawyer
humorous satire jam beetle reverend blonde scene sheriff jail raft drown gulf commercial financial cargo trial robbery picnic tunnel passage entrance widow
1、"t“ between two vowels is a fast "d":
"better" "city" "it is"
2、"t" follow by "n",hold the "t" before a "N":
written mountain
4、tr 和 dr。
tr like soft chr:比如true
dr like soft and shot jr: 比如draw
5、T and D are followed by U sound。
T+U status :TU like chew
D+U educate :DU like jew
when you follow T :chew :don't you
when you follow D :jew : did you
6、ED ending
if the last letter is T or D ,"ed" is a separate syllable :waited painted
if last letter is voiceless ,"ed" becomes a "t" : stopped worked
if last letter is voiced ,"ed " becomes a "d" :robbed loved