The economic data to understand
Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqingare the four municipalities directly under the Central Government in China. Theyall have obvious advantages in location and economic and political advantages.In major cities in China, the economy is in the front, and directly under thejurisdiction can radiate and drive the economic development of the entireregion. Each of these four cities has its own characteristics, and the economicorientation and the characteristics of the city are all different. Therefore,through the comparison of the current data, the trend of historical data, andthe trend, we can find some reasons.
The data used are mainly the GDP of these four cities, including “farming, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery”,“wholesale and retail trade”, “accommodation and catering industry”, “finance industry” and “real estate industry”. Through these five directions of industry, we can observe the main pillars of a city's economic development. Of course, this needs to combine the characteristics of the city and related reports in recent years to reach a conclusion.

First, analyze and compare the economicdevelopment trends of these four cities in the past four years. The data usesthe GDP of four cities from 2012 to 2016 (unit: 100 million yuan). Curves andcomparisons can intuitively allow us to understand the economic growth rate ofeach city, and we can also compare the four cities together. It can be seenfrom the pictures that the growth rate of Beijing and Shanghai is basically thesame, and the speed of Chongqing is gradually faster than that of Tianjin.

Radar charts are chosen to represent the performance of each city in various industries, and the comparison of various industries in each industry can be compared in a radar chart. The data used in this chart is the GDP of each industry in four cities in 2016 (unit: 100 million yuan). It can be seen intuitively that Chongqing’s gross output value in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery is the highest among the four cities. In the "accommodation and catering industry", the four cities are similar. In the “wholesale and retail trade”, Shanghai is the first place. It can be seen that Shanghai is an offshore location and the trade industry can develop very well.

In lateral landscapes, we can clearly see the area of each industry connected to each city,which represents the gross domestic product of each industry in each city. Andthe size of the box representing each item represents the size of the value. Inthe right part, we can see the number of people engaged in these industries ineach city. By comparing the size of the connection area between the left andright sides, we can see the degree of human resources needed by variousindustries. For example, the gross value of the financial industry is largerthan that of the wholesale and retail industry, but the human resources neededby them are inversely proportional to the human resources.
By studying the data and combining the characteristics of some cities, we can find the reasons for forming this situation. The next data graph is a comparative line chart. We can clearly seethe characteristics of various industries in each city during the decade from 2005 to 2015, and we can see the influence of various industries on the development of a city.

In these diagrams, we can understand that Beijing's financial industry is developing very rapidly, but "agriculture,forestry, animal husbandry, fishery" and "accommodation and catering industry" have almost no growth rate. The development of the"wholesale and retail trade" has gradually become slow in the past five years. It can be seen that Beijing's focus is on financial and high-tech industries. In addition to the rapid development of the "wholesale and retail trade," Shanghai is also the case. This allows us to think of the geographical location of Shanghai. Shanghai is still using this advantage to develop.

The “accommodation and catering industry”and “farming, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery industries” in Chongqing have developed very rapidly this year because Chongqing’s tourism industry has developed very rapidly in recent years, indicating that Chongqing is developing in the direction of tourist cities.