

2023-11-12  本文已影响0人  Crazycabbage_

Automatic Crash Patrol, by Scott C. Holstad

It was like watching a slow developing trainwreck from overhead.

Wait, let me start over. Car crash.

As I drove down the highway at 70 mph, I saw a car pull out in front of me, then stop and freeze. The driver was staring at me, panicked, like she knew she was about to die. The impulse to stomp on the gas pedal startled me but a stronger survival instinct took over and I yanked the wheel left while slamming on the brakes. I imagined fear and gratitude from the other driver and wondered if we both now needed restrooms.




当我以每小时 70 英里的速度行驶在高速公路上时,我看到一辆车冲到我前面,然后停了下来,僵住了。司机惊慌失措地盯着我,好像她知道自己就要死了。猛踩油门的冲动吓了我一跳,但更强烈的求生本能占据了上风,我猛踩刹车的同时向左猛打方向盘。我想象着另一位司机的恐惧和感激,不知道我们现在是否都需要上厕所。

  1. patrol /pəˈtrəʊl/
  1. trainwreck /ˈtreɪn rek/
  1. car crash /ˈkɑː kræʃ/
  1. pull out /ˈpʊl aʊt/
  1. stare /steə(r)/
  1. panic /ˈpænɪk/
  1. impulse /ˈɪmpʌls/
  1. stomp /stɒmp/
  1. pedal /ˈpedl/
  1. startled /ˈstɑːtld/
  1. instinct /ˈɪnstɪŋkt/
  1. yank /jæŋk/
  1. slam /slæm/
  1. brake /breɪk/
  1. fear /fɪə(r)/
  1. gratitude /ˈɡrætɪtjuːd/
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