2022-08-09 本文已影响0人

Future<T> push<T extends Object?>(String name,
{Map<String, dynamic>? arguments,
bool withContainer = false,
bool opaque = true}) async {
var pushOption = BoostInterceptorOption(name,
arguments: arguments ?? <String, dynamic>{});
var future = Future<dynamic>(
() => InterceptorState<BoostInterceptorOption>(pushOption));
for (var interceptor in appState!.interceptors) {
future = future.then<dynamic>((dynamic _state) {
final state = _state as InterceptorState<dynamic>;
if (state.type == InterceptorResultType.next) {
final pushHandler = PushInterceptorHandler();
interceptor.onPush(state.data, pushHandler);
return pushHandler.future;
} else {
return state;
return future.then((dynamic _state) {
final state = _state as InterceptorState<dynamic>;
if (state.data is BoostInterceptorOption) {
assert(state.type == InterceptorResultType.next);
pushOption = state.data;
if (isFlutterPage(pushOption.name)) {
return appState!.pushWithResult(pushOption.name,
uniqueId: pushOption.uniqueId,
arguments: pushOption.arguments,
withContainer: withContainer,
opaque: opaque) as FutureOr<T>;
} else {
Map<String, dynamic> data = {};
data = Map<String, dynamic>.from(pushOption.arguments);
final params = CommonParams()
..pageName = pushOption.name
..arguments = data;
return appState!.pendNativeResult(pushOption.name);
} else {
assert(state.type == InterceptorResultType.resolve);
return Future<T>.value(state.data as T);
Future<void> pushNativeRoute(CommonParams arg) async {
final Object encoded = arg.encode();
final BasicMessageChannel<Object?> channel = BasicMessageChannel<Object?>(
'dev.flutter.pigeon.NativeRouterApi.pushNativeRoute', const StandardMessageCodec(), binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger);
final Map<Object?, Object?>? replyMap =
await channel.send(encoded) as Map<Object?, Object?>?;
if (replyMap == null) {
throw PlatformException(
code: 'channel-error',
message: 'Unable to establish connection on channel.',
details: null,
} else if (replyMap['error'] != null) {
final Map<Object?, Object?> error = (replyMap['error'] as Map<Object?, Object?>?)!;
throw PlatformException(
code: (error['code'] as String?)!,
message: error['message'] as String?,
details: error['details'],
} else {
// noop
Future<void> pushFlutterRoute(CommonParams arg) async {
final Object encoded = arg.encode();
final BasicMessageChannel<Object?> channel = BasicMessageChannel<Object?>(
'dev.flutter.pigeon.NativeRouterApi.pushFlutterRoute', const StandardMessageCodec(), binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger);
final Map<Object?, Object?>? replyMap =
await channel.send(encoded) as Map<Object?, Object?>?;
if (replyMap == null) {
throw PlatformException(
code: 'channel-error',
message: 'Unable to establish connection on channel.',
details: null,
} else if (replyMap['error'] != null) {
final Map<Object?, Object?> error = (replyMap['error'] as Map<Object?, Object?>?)!;
throw PlatformException(
code: (error['code'] as String?)!,
message: error['message'] as String?,
details: error['details'],
} else {
// noop
public void pushNativeRoute(CommonParams params) {
if (delegate != null) {
if (pageNames != null) {
pageNames.put(requestCode, params.getPageName());
FlutterBoostRouteOptions options = new FlutterBoostRouteOptions.Builder()
.arguments((Map<String, Object>) (Object) params.getArguments())
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("FlutterBoostPlugin might *NOT* set delegate!");
public void pushFlutterRoute(CommonParams params) {
if (delegate != null) {
FlutterBoostRouteOptions options = new FlutterBoostRouteOptions.Builder()
.arguments((Map<String, Object>) (Object) params.getArguments())
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("FlutterBoostPlugin might *NOT* set delegate!");

Future<bool> pop(
{String? uniqueId, Object? result, bool onBackPressed = false}) async {
BoostContainer? container;
if (uniqueId != null) {
container = _findContainerByUniqueId(uniqueId);
if (container == null) {
Logger.error('uniqueId=$uniqueId not found');
return false;
if (container != topContainer) {
await _removeContainer(container);
return true;
} else {
container = topContainer;
final currentPage = topContainer?.topPage.pageInfo.uniqueId!;
assert(currentPage != null);
// 1.If uniqueId == null,indicate we simply call BoostNavigaotor.pop(),
// so we call navigator?.maybePop();
// 2.If uniqueId is topPage's uniqueId, so we navigator?.maybePop();
// 3.If uniqueId is not topPage's uniqueId, so we will remove an existing
// page in container.
if (uniqueId == null ||
uniqueId == container!.pages.last.pageInfo.uniqueId) {
final handled = onBackPressed
? await container?.navigator?.maybePop(result)
: container?.navigator?.canPop();
if (handled != null) {
if (!handled) {
Map data = {};
if (result is Map) {
data = Map<Object, Object?>.from(result);
final params = CommonParams()
..pageName = container!.pageInfo!.pageName!
..uniqueId = container.pageInfo!.uniqueId!
..arguments = data;
await nativeRouterApi!.popRoute(params);
} else {
if (!onBackPressed) {
} else {
final page = container.pages.singleWhereOrNull(
(entry) => entry.pageInfo.uniqueId == uniqueId);
Logger.log('pop container, uniqueId=$uniqueId, result:$result, $container');
return true;
Future<void> _removeContainer(BoostContainer container) async {
if (container.pageInfo!.withContainer!) {
Logger.log('_removeContainer , uniqueId=${container.pageInfo!.uniqueId}');
final params = CommonParams()
..pageName = container.pageInfo!.pageName!
..uniqueId = container.pageInfo!.uniqueId!
..arguments = container.pageInfo!.arguments as Map<Object, Object>;
return await _nativeRouterApi!.popRoute(params);
public void popRoute(CommonParams params, Messages.Result<Void> result) {
if (delegate != null) {
FlutterBoostRouteOptions options = new FlutterBoostRouteOptions.Builder()
.arguments((Map<String, Object>) (Object) params.getArguments())
boolean isHandle = delegate.popRoute(options);
if (!isHandle) {
String uniqueId = params.getUniqueId();
if (uniqueId != null) {
FlutterViewContainer container = FlutterContainerManager.instance().findContainerById(uniqueId);
if (container != null) {
container.finishContainer((Map<String, Object>) (Object) params.getArguments());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Oops!! The unique id is null!");
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("FlutterBoostPlugin might *NOT* set delegate!");
public void finishContainer(Map<String, Object> result) {
if (result != null) {
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra(ACTIVITY_RESULT_KEY, new HashMap<String, Object>(result));
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, intent);
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "#finishContainer: " + this);

void popUntil({String? route, String? uniqueId}) async {
BoostContainer? targetContainer;
BoostPage? targetPage;
int popUntilIndex = containers.length;
if (uniqueId != null) {
for (int index = containers.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
for (BoostPage page in containers[index].pages) {
if (uniqueId == page.pageInfo.uniqueId ||
uniqueId == containers[index].pageInfo!.uniqueId) {
targetContainer = containers[index];
targetPage = page;
if (targetContainer != null) {
popUntilIndex = index;
if (targetContainer == null && route != null) {
for (int index = containers.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
for (BoostPage page in containers[index].pages) {
if (route == page.name) {
targetContainer = containers[index];
targetPage = page;
if (targetContainer != null) {
popUntilIndex = index;
if (targetContainer != null && targetContainer != topContainer) {
/// containers item index would change when call 'nativeRouterApi.popRoute' method with sync.
/// clone containers keep original item index.
List<BoostContainer> _containersTemp = [...containers];
for (int index = _containersTemp.length - 1; index > popUntilIndex; index--) {
BoostContainer container = _containersTemp[index];
final params = CommonParams()
..pageName = container.pageInfo!.pageName!
..uniqueId = container.pageInfo!.uniqueId!
..arguments = {"animated": false};
await nativeRouterApi!.popRoute(params);
if (targetContainer.topPage != targetPage) {
const Duration(milliseconds: 50),
() => targetContainer?.navigator
} else {